Charles De Gaulle

De Gaulle et l’OTAN, 1966 : L’épiphanie de la France Libre – par Eric Juillot

« La France se propose de recouvrer sur son territoire l’entier exercice de sa souveraineté, actuellement entamé par la présence permanente d’éléments militaires alliés ou par l’utilisation qui est faite de son ciel, de cesser sa participation aux commandements intégrés et de ne plus mettre de forces à disposition de l’OTAN[1]. » C’est par ces mots très […]

Douglas Macgregor: America’s De Gaulle, Unheeded Prophet of Houthi Victory and Saudi Fall

By 1937, the German Army, the Wehrmacht was confident enough to show off its new Panzer armored combat tactics to visiting military delegations from other nations. Senior officers from Germany’s ancient enemy France were especially impressed – and appalled – at the radical new weapons systems and tactics on display.
According to one story, which may be apocryphal, a French general asked a senior German officer where the new concepts came from. “But we just read the book of your own great armored theorist, De Gaulle,” the answer came.

Editor’s Comment: Macron in Washington and The Fall of France

French President Emmanuel Macron’s visit to the US does not deserve the attention the news media is giving it.
Macron has nothing to offer Trump.  France is only a bit player in the Syrian war.  France’s military contribution to the Syrian raid was token.  France does not lead Europe, Germany does, and does not decide EU policy, which is decided not in Paris but in Berlin.

Pour Macron et Valeurs Actuelles, la Guyane est une île …

Ce jeudi 26 octobre 2017, Emmanuel Macron est en voyage en Guyane.  Six mois après les mouvements sociaux survenus dans le département d’outre-mer en pleine campagne présidentielle, le dauphin de François Hollande va devoir assumer les promesses sans garantie de son prédécesseur, formulées dans le « pacte d’avenir » signé par Ségolène Royal le 17 mar

France Seizes Massive Shipments Of ‘Jihadi Drug’ Bound For Saudi Arabia

Lebanese customs officers display confiscated drugs of Captagon pills found in a bus, at Beirut Port, in Lebanon in 2007. (AP/Ahmad Omar)
French customs officials said on Tuesday that they had intercepted 135kg of Captagon, dubbed the “jihadist drug”, at Paris’s Charles de Gaulle airport this year.
Captagon, a type of amphetamine, is one of the most commonly used drugs among fighters in the Syrian war.

Emmanuel Macron Could Be A Lame Duck President From The Outset

21st Century Wire says…
Macaron – ‘a sweet meringue-based confection made with egg white, icing sugar, granulated sugar, almond powder or ground almond, and food colouring’
Not to be confused with Emmanuel Macron who leads Marine Le Pen with 23.9%, as compared to Le Pen’s 21.4% after the first round of French Presidential election voting which commenced on April 23rd.