
The Geopolitics of the Papacy: From St. Peter to God Emperor – Jay Dyer

Papacy week continues with a crucial, yet not as theologically focused analysis of the history of the papacy as an emerging world power. From humble begins, the See of Rome evolved from persecuted Church of Peter and Paul to a global world power with a debt-based global-finance entwined banking system with Prince-bishops and papal armies. […]

Jesuits, Franks & Prelest – Jay Dyer With Orthobro Snek

Orthobro Snek joins me to discuss little know facts about the Jesuits and their machinations in France. We will touch on Guettee, Joan of Arc, the counter-reformation, heart worship, bizarre forms of Roman Catholic mortification and “spirituality,” the role of the state in the Frankish Church and much more! LIVE at 6PM CST 
Their discord is here