Cenk Uygur

Wisconsin Is Part Of History Now-- What Next?

authenticity mattersBernie won a very healthy victory in Wisconsin last night, 563,127 (56.5%) to 429,758 (43.1%)-- and by a bigger margin that the polls and pundits predicted. Independents went for him overwhelmingly-- better than 70-30! He did really well with the kids-- voters under 50. Hillary did well with the elderly, especially with voters over 65. CNN exit polls showed Bernie evenly split the female vote with Hillary and trounced her with men.

Rafael “Ted” Cruz In his Own Words: It’s Republican World! 2015 In Review-- Chapter Eight

- by NoahWith so much media attention being focused on the grotesque megalomania and downright dementia of current Republican poll leader Herr Donald Trumpf, Rafael “Ted” Cruz of Texas by way of Canada has somewhat flown under the radar. But, that is changing. With “Ted” rapidly ascending the polls in the party’s contest of nutcases running for their presidential nomination, it’s time to take a close look at Cruz.Harvard educated “Ted” Cruz is not stupid. Do not make that mistake. He has argued cases in front of the Supreme Court.

Republicans In Their Own Words, Pt.1: It’s Republican World, 2015 In Review!-- Chapter Five

-by NoahThe alternate universe of the mind that Republicans have chosen to live in is a world of staggering ugliness and hypocrisy. The real world, the one that normal people live in just isn’t the world republicans choose. So, off they go into some crazy twilight world where racism, misogyny and all manner of negativity are justified, conspiracies abound, and a veritable cornucopia of never ending hate is always available.Often the words of republicans themselves give normal people a view into the darkness of this other place.1.

Republicans And Their Confederate Flag: Republican World 2015 In Review-- Chapter Four

The Confederacy of Racists-by NoahThere’s been a lot said in the media about the Confederate flag this year. The topic boiled to the surface as soon as Dylann Roof went into Charleston, South Carolina’s historic Emanuel A.M.E. church and sat down to pray with the parishioners before killing 9 of them and wounding others on June 17th.