175,000 Ask Hwardare Stores to Stop Selling Bee-Killing Pesticides

We made a difference when we told Home Depot and Lowe’s to stop selling pesticides that hurt our pollinators, and now we need to go after a few more chains that are killing our bees and butterflies. It’s time to join the 175,000 who have already signed a petition to be delivered to True Value Hardware and Ace, requesting that they stop selling bee-killing chemicals.

Elected Official Denies Pesticide-Bee Death Connection – Research Disagrees

Want proof that our representatives are likely taking handouts from Syngenta, Bayer, and other Big Ag makers of bee and butterfly killing neonicotinoids? Elected representative Rodney Davis of Illinois, who also happens to be the bee health committee chairman appointed to study pesticide and herbicide connections to colony collapse disorder, is singing the praises of neonicotinoids (neonics).

Portland Bans Insecticide in Light of Massive Bee Deaths

Portland, Oregon has joined at least seven other cities in banning the usage of neonicotinoids, a class of insecticides that many scientists think is behind colony collapse disorder and the premature death and dysfunction of many bees and other pollinating insects. The ban applies to all city lands and will be enforced despite the opposition of some nearby farmers who claim neonicotinoids are critical for producing their food crops.