
Secession Movement Spreads as 1 Million March for Catalan Independence From Spain

(ANTIMEDIA) — In the latest development in the global secession trend, as many as one million Catalans marched in Barcelona this week, many asserting their right to break away from Spain. Their demands come amid pushback from the Spanish government, which is attempting to block the vote as the Catalan government refuses to back down.
The Guardian reported Monday:

The BARCELONA ATTACK – Catalonian Independence, Mossad & the (Strong) Case for a False-Flag…

I hadn’t initially given much thought to the vehicle/terror attack/massacre in Barcelona; aside from it basically feeling like ‘business as usual’ for Europe in this terror-dominated spell of the twenty-first century. And also aside from thinking that the attack in Barcelona happened at the right time to try to divert some of the attention from […]

Catalonia independence vote to go ahead as planed in spite of terrorist attack

MOSCOW, (Sputnik) – The recent terrorist attacks in the Spanish autonomous community of Catalonia will not have an impact on the regional government’s plan to hold a referendum on independence from Spain, local media reported Friday, citing Catalan President Carles Puigdemont.
On Thursday and early Friday, Barcelona and Cambrils in Catalonia were hit by two van ramming attacks, which have killed 15 people and left over 130 more injured. The Islamic State (IS, banned in Russia) terror group has claimed responsibility for Barcelona attack.

More Wildlife Fish are Experiencing ‘Intersex’ – What Could be Causing This?

More wildlife are experiencing strange reproductive abnormalities, but why? In a study released last year, the U.S. Geological Survey and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFW) tested male smallmouth and largemouth bass from 19 National Wildlife Refuges. The researchers found that 85% of the smallmouth bass “had signs of female reproductive parts.” Of the largemouth bass, 27% were intersex. What could be causing this?