
Catalonia Shows the Danger of Disarming Civilians

October 1 showed the US why we need civilian guns.

(FEE— Since the tragic murder of 59 peaceful concertgoers in Las Vegas Sunday, I’ve heard well-intentioned Americans from all political corners echoing heartbroken and tempting refrains:

Can’t we just ban guns?
Surely we can all get together on the rocket launchers.
Things like this would happen less often.
We have enough military.

The Splintering Of States May Signal A New Era Of Corporate Rule

Democracy can be messy. In the northeast corner of Spain this week, democracy was downright chaotic.
Catalans went to the polls on Sunday to vote in a referendum on whether to stay in Spain or go their separate way. The Spanish authorities, however, declared the vote illegitimate and sent in the national police to disrupt the referendum.

BREAKING: Spanish Constitutional Court suspends Catalan Parliament session

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7 independence movements that have the potential to destroy the EU

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Las Vegas Shooting: 5 Stories You’re Missing While the Nation Is in Shock

(ANTIMEDIA) The horrific shooting in Las Vegas Sunday evening continues to dominate headlines — and understandably so. As details continue to emerge and calls for gun control flood the national conversation, however, another familiar pattern is playing out: other vital stories are falling through the cracks.
Here are five to follow as the nation processes one of the largest mass shootings in U.S. history:

BREAKING: Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont calls for mediation while slamming Spanish King’s response to referendum

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Catalonia: Rajoy Moves Towards Extreme Measures

By Craig Murray | October 4, 2017 Things have taken a much more sinister turn in Catalonia, without sufficient notice being paid internationally. The leader of the Catalan regional police force has been formally arraigned for sedition by the Spanish attorney general, for refusal to comply enthusiastically with the beating up of old women. That […]