
Podemos Threatens Spain’s Unity By Backing Catalan Independence Referendum

Sputnik — 25.06.2016 MADRID — Spain’s left-wing Podemos party threatens the country’s unity by supporting an independence referendum to be held in the Spanish autonomous region of Catalonia, Jose Ramon Garcia-Hernandez, the head of international relations of Spain’s ruling People’s Party (PP), told Sputnik on Saturday. Unidos Podemos, an electoral alliance between Podemos and several […]

Catalonia head charged with of abuse of power over independence referendum

RT | September 29, 2015 The head of the regional government in Catalonia has been indicted for unconstitutionally calling a referendum on independence from Spain last year. This comes just two days after his party and other secessionist forces won a regional election. Recently, Artur Mas has promised his fellow Catalans that if pro-independence parties […]

We press ahead with independence efforts: Catalonia president

Press TV – November 10, 2014 Catalonia’s government has pledged to increase its secession efforts after more than two million people voted in a symbolic independence referendum despite opposition from Spain’s central government. Artur Mas, the president of the nationalist government of Catalonia, on Sunday hailed the vote “a total success” and noted that the […]

Catalonians hold rally against Spanish monarchy

Press TV – June 27, 2014 Pro-independence Spaniards have staged a protest rally against the Spanish monarchy as the new king urges collaboration in the region. On Thursday, thousands of Catalonians took to the streets of Girona to voice their anger against the royal family’s involvement in a series of corruption scandals. The fresh protest […]

Crimean Separatism as Fashion

It set a trend, but the Crimean referendum has the discussion on separatism tittering away. As ever, the narrative of the national compact, bound by mystical unity and statehood, powers the narrative, while separatist movements seek to draw parallels and sketch contrasts. Movements from as far as Catalonia in Spain and Scotland in the UK have taken heed of the referendum. The Spanish case is significant – Spain, along with four other European Union members, have not recognised Kosovo’s 2008 declaration of independence from Serbia.