
New York Post: Congress Shocked at the Covid Fraud It Created

New York Post, December 2, 2022 Congress is shocked, shocked by the COVID fraud it created By James Bovard Like Captain Renault in the gambling casino in “Casablanca,” congressmen are “shocked, shocked” by all the fraud spawned by the trillions of dollars in COVID handouts they approved. The House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis […]

Guest Post by Tim Russo: If A Second Civil War Comes, Marxists Know Who Wins-- The Yankees Will Defeat Capital. Again.

An old friend of mine, Tim Russo, reviewed Andrew Zimmerman's book The American Civil War by Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels and agreed to let me share it here at DWT.Americans know La Marseillaise largely from the above scene in Casablanca (1942). Bogart gives a knowing nod to his house band to play the French national anthem to drown out Nazis singing a German battle song. Truth being more incredible than fiction, turns out La Marseillaise is even more Yankee Doodle Dandy than Hollywood’s Golden Era imagined.August Willich emigra