Caroline Test

Iran has a legal right to strike Saudi Arabia

One of the reasons that Qatar is so easy to single out as a state sponsor of terrorism is that they readily admit much of it. The rest is fairly easy to unearth and that’s before one examines copious amounts of evidence from Wikileaks.
Wikileaks and other sources, including of course the common knowledge of Arabs from the Gulf to the Maghreb are also fully aware that Saudi Arabia is if anything an even bigger sponsor of terrorism than Qatar due to its greater size and wealth.

The Iraqi air strikes on Syria are legal and do not endanger Syria. Here’s why.

The Iraqi air strikes in Syria on Friday have inevitably brought up the question of their legality.  The highly probable answer is that the air strikes were legal under international law.
If the air strikes were carried out with the prior permission of the Syrian government, then the question of their legality does not exist: the Iraqi air strikes would be legal, just as Russian air strikes which happen in Syria are.