Carol Shea-Porter

The "They're All Bums" Reaction To The Shut Down Is Off-Base

A few days ago, when Blue America set up an ActBlue page for endangered progressive incumbents in the House, we only found two worthy of endorsing, at least so far. One is our old friend, Carol Shea-Porter, a principled grassroots activist in New Hampshire's swing district. NH-01 has a PVI of R+1 and Shea-Porter has stuck to her guns and voted in accord with her promises to New Hampshire voters when she ran for election.

New Hampshire: Why Blue America Has Endorsed Carol Shea-Porter But Not Anne Kuster

New Hampshire has two House districts. The first district, represented by Carol Shea-Porter, is most of the eastern part of the state, including Manchester, Portsmouth and Dover. The second district, represented by Anne Kuster, encompasses the western and northern parts of the state from Nashua and Concord to Keene and Dixville Notch. NH-02 is strongly Democratic with a PVI of D+3. Obama beat McCain there 56-43% and beat Romney 54-44%. Last year Kuster beat the Republican incumbent, mainstream conservative Charlie Bass 168,954 (50%) to 151,858 (45%).