
Build Back Better Legislation: New Keynesianism or Neoliberal Public Relations Stunt? 

For more than a week the country has been caught up in the ongoing melodrama of the “Build Back Better” (BBB) legislation, the Democrat Party’s “social investment” bill now languishing in the House because of the inability of the Democrats to come to an agreement. The fight is characterized by the corporate media as an […]

No-Go Zone: Energy Crisis (Dark Winter), Nature To Be Tradable Asset Class & Covid Camps

This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. We have RSS/Podcast feeds available here.
Henrik cover recent news in episode 75 of No-Go Zone.
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No Substantive Economic Recovery In Sight

One of the fundamental economic laws under capitalism is for wealth to become more concentrated in fewer hands over time, which in turn leads to more political power in fewer hands, which means that the majority have even less political and economic power over time. Monopoly in economics means monopoly in politics. It is the […]
The post No Substantive Economic Recovery In Sight first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Mission 2024, the Congress and Beyond

As the decisive battle of 2024 draws closer by the day and restiveness grows, alignments and realignments will also become more apparent. The tragedy is that while the image of Narendra Modi and his regime has taken a severe beating, there is still no visible alternative in sight. As a matter of fact, the entire … Continue reading Mission 2024, the Congress and Beyond →

The Branch Covidians are Waging War on Humanity

All embarked, the party launched out on the sea’s foaming lanes while the son of Atreus told his troops to wash, to purify themselves from the filth of the plague. They scoured it off, threw scourings in the surf and sacrificed to Apollo full-grown bulls and goats along the beaten shore of the fallow barren […]
The post The Branch Covidians are Waging War on Humanity first appeared on Dissident Voice.

The Fear Pandemic and the Crisis of Capitalism

In October 2019, in a speech at an International Monetary Fund conference, former Bank of England governor Mervyn King warned that the world was sleepwalking towards a fresh economic and financial crisis that would have devastating consequences for what he called the “democratic market system”. According to King, the global economy was stuck in a […]
The post The Fear Pandemic and the Crisis of Capitalism first appeared on Dissident Voice.

The Military and Intelligence Origins of Public Health

In November the latest book by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. will be available to readers: The Real Anthony Fauci. In an address to a conference on the Covid-19 crisis held in Budapest, Hungary this past August, Robert Kennedy gave a preview of his research results to the participants. His “Historical and Legal Perspectives of the […]
The post The Military and Intelligence Origins of Public Health first appeared on Dissident Voice.

One Degree of Separation: There Will be Parasitic Capitalism’s Blood

This year’s NDEAM theme is prescient: “America’s Recovery – Powered by Inclusion.” October 2021. The power of acceptance in this diverse world will follow the arc of social justice; however,  it’s a long journey, still, in 2021. When I was 15, I had to do community service for ripping through the Tucson desert with my unlicensed motorcycle […]

Australia-UK-US nuclear deal and India’s role: Statement by Coalition for Nuclear Disarmament and Peace

Coalition for Nuclear Disarmament and Peace (CNDP) issued a statement against AUKUS,  a trilateral security pact between Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States, announced on 15 September 2021 for the Indo-Pacific region. Under the pact, the US and the UK will help Australia to acquire nuclear-powered submarines.