
Why no Admissions this year in Central Universities? JNUTA statement

Did you even know this? That there have been no admissions this academic session so far, to any Central University,  as the results of the new UGC mandated centralized Common Universities Entrance Test (CUET) are yet to be announced as late as September 2022, when the academic session was to have begun in July/August. The … Continue reading Why no Admissions this year in Central Universities? JNUTA statement →

National Intergenerational Month: Talking about Trees

I do ground-truthing from a very folksy and small-townish perspective. I have found myself “stuck” here on the Central Oregon Coast, really, where my own destiny seems etched in the crumbling sandstone holding up the tourist-laden Highway 101. I’ve exhausted the labor market here, since the school district has banned me as a substitute teacher […]

The 1930s and Popular Radicalism in the United States

In the United States there exists today, and has existed since at least the 1950s, a dominant political narrative according to which most Americans, indeed the very history of the country, exemplify a kind of ideological “moderateness.” Democratic Party operatives and sympathizers constantly preach the virtues of occupying the political “center,” where most of the […]

Eco-Socialism, Democratic Communism: Common Sense

Are present ecological stresses so strong that if not relieved they will sufficiently degrade the ecosystem to make the earth uninhabitable by humans? Obviously no serious discussion of the environmental crisis can get very far without confronting this question. — Barry Commoner in The Closing Circle, 1971 More than fifty years after Commoner wrote those […]

Debating Strategy for the New Phase of Janatha Aragalaya: MAYA JOHN

Guest post by MAYA JOHN [This article is based on the discussions with activists of the Janatha Aragalaya and concerned Sri Lankan citizens. It is a humble contribution towards ongoing debates within the movement. As the French proverb goes: “De choc des opinions jaillit la vérité” – Truth arises from a conflict of opinions. – … Continue reading Debating Strategy for the New Phase of Janatha Aragalaya: MAYA JOHN →

Lessons Unlearned

Writing over a century-and-a-half ago, Karl Marx studied the aftermath of the 1848 revolutions that sought to drive a stake in the vitals of the European monarchies and consolidate the rule of the emerging bourgeois classes. Contrary to his critics — especially the dismissive scholars — he applied his critical historical theories with great nuance […]
The post Lessons Unlearned first appeared on Dissident Voice.