Here’s What Happens When You Spend $1 Million to Keep Weed Illegal in 2016
"I will never do business with them again."
"I will never do business with them again."
It was the epic “I quit” seen and heard around the world. The year was 2014 when Charlo Greene, a reporter with KTVA in Alaska, took to the airwaves to tell viewers she was ditching her day job to promote pot legalization with a well-timed “f**k it.” But now Greene is now facing 54 years in prison. Here’s the video, but if you haven’t figured it out yet, it contains an F-bomb. [1]
As of October 1, edible marijuana products sold in Colorado must be labeled with a diamond-shaped stamp and the letters THC, both on the packaging and on the products themselves. [1]
Source: The Cannabist
The rule referencing the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana was added after complaints rolled in about the similarities between the pot-based treats and regular candies and baked goods.
This is the first time archaeologists have recovered complete cannabis plants.
Jamaica decides to cash in on its cash crop; NBA star takes "Pledge" protest to the next level; and the head of the CIA mistakenly thinks we'll be sad when those Criminals In Action get arrested.
Jamaica decides to cash in on its cash crop; NBA star takes "Pledge" protest to the next level; and the head of the CIA mistakenly thinks we'll be sad when those Criminals In Action get arrested.
Earlier this month, I wrote about how Insys Therapeutics, a drug company that sells only fentanyl, a powerful and often deadly opioid, has been fighting marijuana legalization efforts in Arizona. Well, it’s not just the pharmaceutical industry that is bankrolling anti-marijuana campaigns; the alcohol industry is in on it, too.
A study published on September 15 shows that in states where medical marijuana is legal, fewer people use opioid drugs, bolstering advocates’ claims that marijuana can substitute for more deadly substances. [1]
Researchers examined federal traffic safety data from 1999 to 2013, using a sample of more than 68,000 people who died in a car crash in 18 states.