
Sousveillance: The answer to Surveillance

Sousveillance explains the psychopathic elites need for the Apple Technology mentioned yesterday.Apple Inc. Patents Technology to aid the Fascist Police State. Clearly the elite were feeling threatened by an empowered populace... Too bad for them.Sousveillance will continue and evolve.I enjoyed this video by James Corbett. Send thanks the anonymous commenter who left the link. And applaud the courage of the individuals who work for freedom, however it is they choose to work for it.

Canada Is The Worse Israel Butt Kissing Country On Earth: Canada Contributes To Illegal Occupation Of Palestine - Harper's Conservatives Promote Military Ties To Israel!

I had just put up an amazing video in my last article that shows the truth about how Canada now shows itself openly as being nothing more than Israel's b*tch.   I have long said that this proud nation has now slid down the road to tyranny and the Harper government in Ottawa does nothing more than obey anything that Israel demands and desires.... It is absolutely sickening to behold...Now I discover that there is more to this sad story about how my Canada is on the road to ruin with its outright and tragic support for the criminally psychotic state of Israel....

Report From "Texas-Israel Day" Protest On May 8th, 2013 In Austin Texas

I had promised everyone who reads this blog that I would have the report from the Texas-Israel day protest in Austin Texas that happened last Wednesday, May 8th 2013, the moment that report became available... It is indeed worth the wait....I want to present that report, from my friend in Texas, Lisa Webb, that was just sent to me this morning via email for everyone to see for themselves....

A Quiz To See How Badly Your Brain Is Infected By Zionism!

I have been indeed watching the events unfolding in Syria over the last few days with deep disgust... I am truly shocked that the American government and its Jewish controlled media continues to propagate the outright LIE that this unjustifiable attack by the criminal and terrorist state of Israel against the innocent nation of Syria was due to the need to "stop weapons transfers into Lebanon"...