
Canada cooperated with U.S. spying during G8 and G20

The Toronto Star headline does not accurately reflect the content of the article"Canada knew US was spying" just doesn't do it for me. However, the news contained within is not a surprise! Considering the melding/harmonization of Canada and the US under numerous despicable ‘trade’ agreements moving towards the unyielding centralized power structure that will be the essence of the NAU.

"Right Honourable" PM William Lyon Mackenzie King- A Rockefeller man

Having my fellow Canucks in mind, here is a relink, that deserves much more attention then it originally received. PM William Lyon Mackenzie King. Often known as Mackenzie King.Here in Canada he was PM number 10. Canada's longest serving Prime Minister. This despite the fact he had some strange 'beliefs' Or, perhaps, he employed some occult practices? Of the type  often favoured by the elites? Who knows?

Interview with Todd Brendan Fahey: Captain Trips- Al Hubbard

In this episode we discuss the “Johnny Appleseed of LSD” and it’s not Timothy Leary. In fact, today we’ll be discussing Captain Trips – Al Hubbard, the man who supplied ALL of North America, including the CIA, FBI, US Army and even Canada, with Sandoz LSD. Every dose of Sandoz LSD-25 that came from the Grateful Dead or Tim Leary, or anyone else, including those involved in MKULTRA, got their LSD from this man.