
Yulia the 'gas princess' -grab the guns and kill those damned Russians

Second post today and again a hat tip goes to brian! Who has been one heck of a busy fellowthanks brian.Yulia has quite the potty mouth...tsk tsk Yulia. NO class.

Ukrainians must take up arms against Russians so that not even scorched earth will be left where Russia stands

“This is really beyond all boundaries. It’s about time we grab our guns and kill go kill those damn Russians together with their leader,” Tymoshenko said.

Washington calls for 'technocratic' govt in Ukraine

Post # 2 for the day.Please be sure to read the first post from earlier today you will not be disappointed. Regime change success in Kiev. Is the battle for Crimea about to begin?For this 2nd post, I want to take you back to some news reported on here  February 5/2014US & EU wade deeper into Ukraine 'stand-off ' with an aid package From that post

PM Harper's drummer charged with sexual assaults. On children

UPDATE @ Bottom!  Well, well, well...... Prime Minister Stephen Harper's bandmate, his drummer, has been charged with molesting children. Sexual assaults on children. What is that saying about the company you keep?

“Tell me what company you keep and I'll tell you what you are"

PM Harper certainly keeps some interesting company

Carl Campeau: Allegedly abducted in Syria, escapes Al Qaeda, or something like that?

After months of silence. Carl Campeau  is speaking exclusively to the CBC.The CBC being Canada's premiere propaganda corporation. Much like the BBC. Keeps official narratives in order. Misleads Canadians. Typical stuffExclusive: How Carl Campeau, abducted in Syria, escaped al-Qaeda's clutchesYou can read the whole article at your leisure.

Western backed mercenaries intensify their targetting of Christians & Allawites

One news item that says so much about the western backed mercenaries brutal war of divide to conquer in Syria.NATO. The blood of  so many innocents stain the nations that participate in this endless imperialism.Yes, that includes CanadaMilitants have intensified attacks against Christians and Allawites

Israel's best friend: Stephen Harper

Doesn't it give you the warm fuzzies? To bad Stephen Harper doesn't concern himself with all the  other Canadians. You know the ones that are not  followers of a specific religion residing in Canada but having  loyalties that lie elsewhere? Canada's Prime Minister? Really?To speak more plainly, if the Canadians resident here have more concern for a foreign nation they should pack up and go.

NATO/Canada's hired killers trying to take back Canadian Hospital in Aleppo, Syria

Yup! A Canadian hospital in Aleppo, Syria. A hospital for the hired killers.A brief rant and then we will get to that news.While the Canadian Government steals money from hardworking Canadians.....Via taxes extracted.And the public servants all lie. To us, the citizens. The humans resident in Canada. The taxpayer fed and fattened public servants say - these taxes are going to support the services you depend on everyday................ Even though these services are being reduced.