
Steven Poloz- Canada's Central Bankster should work for free!

After all he should walk his talk? But he won't. Cause he is an elitist power that shouldn't be.I had seen this news yesterday and had intended to post it- So here it isUnlike the paid mouthpiece from the National Post- I DO NOT believe his comments were well intentioned. He is one of the 'entitled' leeches on society.

Censorship at CBC- The mouthpiece for fascist Canada

Here are a bunch of comments, posted by myself,  that the CBC has not allowed to pass through regarding the incident on Parliament Hill yesterday-CBC is Canada's national "broadcaster". Which means Canadian taxpayer dollars subsidize this outfit.  I laugh every time I read that or hear it said that this place is for Canadians...What a farce.

Canada's duplicitous deceitful treachery on display. Democracy? In what reality?

Canada's PM made a point of being in attendance at the annointing of the Ukrainian Oligarch/Warlord/Puppet Poroshenko. Canada's government has been falling all over itself to support 'freedom' and the right of some people to choose their own destiny in the Ukraine. But only some people. PM Harper does not  extend this right to NATO's targeted ones. Whether in Syria or Ukraine.

Syria- Assad's election win/Obama sudden change of 'mind'

Syria’s election is taking place today. Assad will, of course,win. Not because the election is rigged. Nope. He will win because the Syrians will elect him of their own free will.Since all NATO media is spinning against the Syrian nation and it's people I will link to an RT article‘Syrian elections show real Western contempt to democracy’

Libya: The other side of the story

The oldephartte (in training), of course, left this piece for my reading pleasure a little while backIt was an enlightening read. But, when to post it? Just trying to keep up with what is ongoing presently doesn't always leave us much time to recall past occurrences. Let alone take the time to process what really happened. And what was really lost.  But, as luck would have it James Corbett did a most interesting interview!