
Irwin Cotler (Canada's Premiere Israel Firster) Honoured at BGU in Israel

IRWIN COTLER receives his honorary doctorate from BGU president Rivka Carmi, rector Zvi HaCohen and former Supreme Court president Aharon Barak on Tuesday nightJPDid you all know Irwin Cotler has been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize (perception management) by none other then..... Wait for it......  Prof. Alan Dershowitz.

May 14th? No Man Made Global Warming Here!

Long term readers here know I do not belong to the  man made global warming cult.I don't believe lies. And I do not believe that which is simply not believable.We here in southern Ontario have had an unbelievably cool spring- Leaves have only unfurled this past week- Hubby and I rode bikes on Wednesday. While out and about it seemed finally spring had sprung. Though we do appear to be a good two or three weeks behind what is the norm for us. Mother's day, saw no lilacs on the shrubs. A fond memory of my very first mothers day :)My rhubarb is in full swing. Love that stuff.

Dieudonne Barred by Free Speech Loving Canada!

  Of course, I’m being completely facetious. The only speech that is acceptable here is state approved speech- And Canada hates freedom, anywhere. Anywhere at all. That's why Canada is a NATO member, killing people globally, particularly in the middle east/asia area in order to redraw borders for their latest insane episode of playing global overlord alongside the US and the UK.

Fire in Fort McMurray: 90% of City Saved. Bailing out Big Oil ?

I've been quietly watching the situation unfold in Fort McMurray.  Thankfully the weather has gifted the area a reprieve. Which is good. And, 90 percent of the city is intact! No one has died due to the fire! Despite all that reality.... the  media coverage, pushing the tragedy aspect, is over the top! One could say it's very trauma inducing coverage.Intentionally so, I expect. Just knowing how devious governments are, as a matter of fact. And considering how the media is always used to manipulate the masses? It seems sensible the over wrought media coverage has to serve some purpose.

Jennifer Hibben-White "Angry Mom"- Conflict of Interests & Promoting a For Profit Agenda

With much thanks to anonymous commenter, who so very kindly left links to two videos clearly demonstrating the conflicts of interest so called "angry mom' clearly had when she posted her disgraceful rant against those she so derogatorily labelled as "anti-vaxxers"I knew there was more to this then met the eye. The rant was very manipulative. Written by someone who KNOWS how to use media to push buttons in order to  elicit a specific response