
Autonomy For Eastern Aleppo Terrorists? UN Truce Terms Refused by Syria!

 The UN wasn't offering truce terms they were offering balkanization and destruction terms!Disgusting! Disgraceful! Detestable! Is it any wonder I refer to the UN as the "Useless Nations"? Seriously, hope no one here wonders why I do that? The reasoning should be obvious.UN Rewarding Terrorists and TerrorismUSA Today- 

Fake News & False Flags: US Paid 660 Million Dollars For Propaganda

This expose is getting very little coverage. This morning, according to Google, there were just 42 articles on this scandal. ( As of 9:12 EST am the  article count is up to 46) Not one main stream! No CNN, NBC, CBS, BBC, ABC. CBC, PBS, Guardian etc.,Why would the media be avoiding this like the plague?Because they are  completely complicit.

A Turn for The Worse: Obama "Considers" Arming Syrian Kurds to Fight ISIS

 1- Thought the Kurds had already been fighting ISIS and were in fact the 'fiercest fighters' against ISIS?? Still, all this time later........ ISIS exists. *As the commonly presented 'to be feared enemy'*And the obfuscation by US/NATO/Israel to remake the region 2- The NYT's  headline presents this as if this is some new or unique plan Obama is considering.It is neither new nor unique, as readers here already know.

Turkey Moving Forward with Refugee Return & Electricity Provision to Syria: A Question That Begs Asking!

There is a round of news stories today concerning the return of Syrian refugees and Turkey providing electricity/water for the refugees. This is exactly the type of action by Turkey I would have expected to see take place. Should of said it here, but, always tell my hubby anyway. And what is being reported is what would be expected if Turkey was creating their long envisioned safe zone.Flashback:Turkey has long had a plan to create a safe zone and move refugees back into the area to impede the creation of Kurdistan straight across it’s border.

How Turkey’s Move Into Syria Affects Israel: Israel Is Concerned about Israel 2.0

I noticed shortly after Turkey's move into northern Syria, Israeli media contained several articles expressing concern...Jerusalem Post was so concerned they had 2 articles in short order on the topic:1- How Turkey's Move Into Syria Affects Israel2- Behind the Lines: Ankara's Next MoveAnd unlike the limite