campaign finance reform

When John McCain Grappled with the Best Congress Money Can Buy

Trainwreck by Nancy Ohanian-by Skip KaltenheuserMost recent plaudits for John McCain focus on flashes of character on his campaign trail when he condemned crazed birther and racist attacks on candidate Obama. I’d like to jump in the Way-back and travel to when McCain earned a “maverick” label.Give Senator McCain praise for his early efforts at campaign finance reform, done across the aisle with then-Senator Russ Feingold.

Foreign Money In U.S. Elections-- One Swamp Trump Has No Intention Of Draining

ProgressivePunch is an imperfect tool for evaluating how candidates perform, but it can be-- if not used as a blunt instrument-- a useful tool in putting together a comprehensive picture. And it's certainly better than any of the other systems I know of that evaluate and score congressional votes. We've mentioned several times that some of the Class of 2016 freshmen have turned out as dreadful as we expected them to.

Guess Who Wants To See Even More Unregulated Dark Money Pouring Into Elections

When I talk with candidates for Congress about why they want to run, about whether motivations are, one constant I hear from virtually every single candidate is about campaign finance reform. And if the number one issue for them is, say, healthcare or national security, the number 2 or 3 issue will always be repairing a broken system that allows Big Money to buy our democracy. This is also an issue that polls well among the voting public.

Maddow May Not Get It, But Supporting Progressives Like Russ Feingold And Zephyr Teachout Isn't The Same As Backing ConservaDems Like Patrick Murphy And Pete Gallego

Early voting has started and, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll, Hillary leads Trump by a whopping 15 points among the 19 million Americans who have already cast their ballots-- leading not just in blue states but in Ohio, Arizona and, yes, even Texas.

Why Zephyr Teachout Would Rather Be Called "Professor" Than" Lobbyist"

The above is today's best video. Zephyr Teachout is proving every day in a sprawling upstate New York district that includes part of the Hudson Valley from Brunswick northeast of Albany, down through Kingston and Hyde Park almost to Poughkeepsie and then west into the Catskills through Fallsburg and Wawarsing and up to Oneonta, that she's be a great congressmember for her constituents.