campaign finance reform

Pyramid Schemes, Congress And Deregulation

Even the phrase "multilevel marketing" sounds a lot better than "pyramid scheme," let alone "Ponzi scheme." Even "multilevel marketing scheme" sounds vaguely better than "pyramid scheme." But pyramid schemes are often illegal and, somehow multilevel marketing schemes are usually not. The Federal Trade Commission differentiates between legitimate multi-level marketing (MLM) companies and pyramid schemes claiming that MLM "have a real product to sell" while pyramid schemes don't. "If the money you make is based on your sales to the public, it may be a legitimate multilevel marketing plan.

Here's Why We Can't Get Any Real Campaign Finance Reform-- The Bribe Takers Are In Charge

Open Secrets lists 10 commercial sectors as the biggest bribers of Congress Members so far this election cycle. The worst, as it always is, cycle after cycle after cycle: the Finance Sector. There is no sector more indicative of pure corruption. So far this year they've handed out $44,717,034 to Republicans and $36,641,128 to Democrats.

Both Corrupt DC Parties Make It Nearly Impossible For Working And Middle Class Candidates To Run For Congress

The battle for the GOP Senate nomination in Wisconsin has become a proxy war between billionaire crackpot Diane Hendricks and the billionaire crackpot Uihlein family. These people need to pay MUCH higher taxesLegally, congressional candidates aren't allowed to solicit millions of dollars from multimillionaire and billionaire fat-cats.