Cambridge Analytica

Zuckerberg Pledges To Fix Facebook’s Privacy Problems—No One Trusts Him

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s testimony before nearly half the Senate Tuesday may mark a historic turning point for Silicon Valley.
Members of both parties expressed substantive concerns about how high-tech’s surveillance economy preys on privacy and elevates propaganda—followed by wide skepticism that Facebook and the tech sector can be trusted to fix these problems without new federal regulations.

UK COLUMN: British Intel Now Claims Syria Involved in Skripal Case and More

The latest UK ‘intelligence’ claims that somehow Syria was involved in the supposed “Novichok” in Salisbury on March 4th. This incredible epiphany comes at the exact time when the US and UK are trying to convince the public that the Syrian government launched a “chemical attack” against its own people in Damascus.

Facebook Admits Data From Nearly 2 Billion Users Compromised by ‘Malicious Actors’

(CD) — Buried in Facebook’s announcement that Cambridge Analytica had improperly gathered data from up to 87 million users—rather than the previously reported 50 million—was the stunning admission that “malicious actors” exploited the social networking site’s search features to collection information from “most” of its 2 billion users. The detail was pointed out on Twitter by Wired journalist Matt Burgess, among others: Buried in […]

Cambridge Analytica Is What Happens When You Privatize Military Propaganda

The Gulf War Did Not Take Place. This audacious claim was made by the French philosopher Jean Baudrillard in March 1991, only two months after NATO forces had rained explosives on Iraq, shedding the blood of more than a hundred thousand people.
To understand Cambridge Analytica and its parent firm, Strategic Communication Laboratories, we need to get our heads round what Baudrillard meant, and what has happened since: how military propaganda has changed with technology, how war has been privatised, and how imperialism is coming home.