Caitlin Johnstone

US Accuses Syria of More Chemical Attacks Just as Chemical Weapons Narrative Crumbles

You may be certain that Syria remains a geo-strategically crucial location for the U.S. empire because its keeps working to manufacture consent for interventionism there, writes Caitlin Johnstone.  By Caitlin Johnstone The Institute for Public Accuracy published a report Tuesday about the…Read more →

CONFIRMED: Chemical Weapons Assessment Contradicting Official Syria Narrative Is Authentic

The leak undermines the fundamental assumptions behind many years of Western reporting, writes Caitlin Johnstone. By Caitlin Johnstone The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) has begun responding to queries by the press about a leaked document that…Read more →

Trump Is Going to Thank MSNBC Until November 2020

Peddlers of Russia-gate have boosted the U.S. president’s re-election campaign,  writes Caitlin Johnstone.   By Caitlin Johnstone After news broke that Robert Mueller had turned in his final report without recommending any further indictments, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow began frantically retweeting blue-checkmarked Twitter pundits who…Read more →