South Asian University Statement in Solidarity with Students and Citizens Protesting CAA and NRC

The following is a statement issued by faculty members of South Asian University on the recent police excesses against peacefully protesting students and other citizens. We, the undersigned teachers of the South Asian University, New Delhi are deeply disturbed by the developments at the Jamia Milia Islamia and Aligarh Muslim University in the last few days.

University of Warwick In Solidarity With Students Protesting the CAA in India

Following is a statement issued by current and former faculty members and students of the University of Warwick in solidarity with the ongoing struggle of the students against the new citizenship law. As students, alumni and faculty members of the University of Warwick, we stand in solidarity with all students in India who are engaged … Continue reading University of Warwick In Solidarity With Students Protesting the CAA in India →

CAA-NRC: Turning India Into a Warzone of ‘Peace’

Is the Indian state turning into a religious dystopia, like some of its neighbours? Image Courtesy: Free Press Journal The Bharatiya Janata Party-led central government has pushed the Citizenship Amendment Act through, but it is struggling to manage its fallout and the national outrage that a related proposal to create a National Register of Indian … Continue reading CAA-NRC: Turning India Into a Warzone of ‘Peace’ →