Busted Lying

Houston Cop Busted for Lying by Camera, Falsely Arrested Man Who Accidentally Dropped Legal Gun

“I just don’t see how he has the heart to lie,” a tearful Julian Carmona told local TV, as you can see below, “I mean, when there’s kids… Can he be honest and tell the truth?”
Houston cop William Wright has been busted by video for an arrest he made last week, claiming a Julian Carmona pointed a gun at him, when in fact his gun was in his pickup truck the whole time.
Carmona is accused of felony aggravated assault.

South Carolina Killer Cop Bonds Out of Jail, He Killed Walter Scott in Video

The South Carolina killer cop who vaulted official police lies and murder into the national spotlight, has been given pre-trial bond, after being arrested and held since last April, for the video which went viral and you can see below.
It’s been almost a year to the day since North Charleston officer Michael Slager killed Walter Scott, and it was revealed in a video given by witness Fiedlin Santana to the New York Times.

Florida Cops Busted Lying, Beat Man to Pulp Costing $275,000 Legal Settlement

A Florida woman used her still camera to bring two cops to justice, and help her husband collect a $275,000 settlement after having his face bashed by lawmen.
A picture is worth a thousand words, and a Florida judge decided it’s worth a whole lot more than that.
After being arrested, Joe Florence looked like he’d been run over.
By a Mack truck.
The Florida man suffered a broken nose, broken jaw, a bruised face, and underwent three surgeries to re-set his shattered bones.

Florida Cops Busted Lying, Beat Man to Pulp Costing $275,000 Legal Settlement

A Florida woman used her still camera to bring two cops to justice, and help her husband collect a $275,000 settlement after having his face bashed by lawmen.
A picture is worth a thousand words, and a Florida judge decided it’s worth a whole lot more than that.
After being arrested, Joe Florence looked like he’d been run over.
By a Mack truck.
The Florida man suffered a broken nose, broken jaw, a bruised face, and underwent three surgeries to re-set his shattered bones.

North Carolina Deputy Lied in Court; Now He Is Fired And His Cases Will Be Thrown Out

Cops even have a word for it: Testilying.
How far will a lie or two get you?
Well, lies is what got a Raleigh Sheriff’s Deputy fired along with 175 cases thrown out of court in which the deputy was a witness for.
Deputy Robert Davis of the Wake County Sheriff’s Department caused 175 traffic and DWI cases to be dismissed because he failed to be honest.
Now, the Wake County District Attorney is livid because the cases can’t be prosecuted– prosecutions are the backbones of a prosecutor’s career.

Miami Cop Maldonado-Dick Sentenced In Drug Protection Racket (PODCAST)

A City of Miami cop was sentenced for running a protection racket to help the waterfront city’s cocaine couriers.
Maldonado-Dick was pretty lucky to get the plea deal he got, especially since there’s ample video evidence available to secure a conviction, including undeniable evidence that the cop used his service weapon in commission of the crime as you can see below.
Jose Maldonado-Dick had no idea the buyer was an informant and he was being watched by police too.