
Greed-a Thunberg CAPITALIZES on Cult Status Trademarking “ Friday’s for Future”

Capitalize- To Gain Advantage from“Friday’s for the Future”. Will that become as widely used as TGIF? If "everybody's workin' for the week end",is Friday really the future?Maybe it's Saturday?  As the life hating cult continues to exploit the inculcated, we can simply imagine the merchandise that can be sold for profit..  Undoubtedly lots of unnecessary junk can be created to enrich Greed-a and her ilk.

Stupid is As Stupid Does “ Genetically Modified “Self Limiting” Moths Successfully Released?

  Won’t be to far down the road before some of us will be reading about the disastrous affects of this, for profit and believe me this is a for profit only venture. Despite the ‘green’ spin, this is about profit, control and control for profit. And NOTHING else.Round up contaminated everything and it wasn’t supposed to.. Creating superweeds galore.... but believe the company looking to make massive profits when they state this "self limiting moth"  is hunky dory & environmentally friendly.

Understanding Trump on Iran – The Impeachable End of Trans-Atlanticism

Who would have thought that the entire geopolitical reality we live in, as well as the patently partisan impeachment procedure, could be explained through Trump’s policy on Iran? Russia, EU, Israel-Palestine, Latin America, the U.S. and impeachment – yes, all roads lead to the Islamic Republic.
While America’s chattering class focusses on impeachment, President Trump is pivoting off his NAFTA revision and some success in forging a China deal, and turns his focus on the EU.

Virtue Signaling Is a Cheap Investment for Goldman Sachs

Goldman Sachs has made a major stand for diversity by declaring that they are going to start “refusing IPOs if all directors are white straight men”. This is unusual because most diversity pushes come from the mainstream media or companies that offer concrete consumer products and need to market themselves by connecting feelings or political leanings to their product. Normally, big international finance and banking stays as neutral as possible, having to work with actually diverse groups of people across the globe.

US Treasury’s Steve Mnuchin Virtue Signals Economic Terrorism

US Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin seems to think that nations under the hammer of American sanctions should be thanking Washington for not attacking them militarily instead. How generous, how virtuous of Uncle Sam!
Speaking at the Doha Forum in Qatar last week, Mnuchin made a virtue of the US imposing economic sanctions on countries it dislikes because such measures, he claimed, were a way to avoid the worse alternative of war.

Penalising Innocent Cubans and Palestinians — Sanctions and Walls Are the Trump Norm

Cuba and Palestine do not have a great deal in common, other than that their citizens are innocent targets of Trump Washington’s spiteful malevolence. In the case of Cuba this has been exercised with varying degrees of effectiveness for sixty years, and the fandangos of the military-industrial complex have included an attempt to invade the country and several efforts to assassinate its leader.