Burkina Faso

Afrique : Le continent s’enflamme et s’éloigne de Washington et Paris

Soyons honnêtes : les Américains ne se soucient pas de l’Afrique, du moins dans l’ensemble. Malgré les mensonges que nous nous racontons – et les débats furieux que nous avons – sur la culture PC, la théorie de la race critique, et ainsi de suite, cela reste un fait marquant. Source : antiwar.com, Danny SjursenTraduit […]

Manufacturing Savagery: US Military Training in West Africa and Beyond

On January 24th, Burkina Faso bore witness to its third destabilizing coup in less than a decade. It also marked the eighth successful putsch American soldiers launched in multiple West African countries since 2008. The Intercept reports that Ouagadougou’s new leader, Colonel Paul-Henri Sandaogo Damiba, took part in many United States led AFRICOM (Africa Command) […]

French troops violently disrespect African populations during anti-occupation demonstrations

By Lucas Leiroz | December 1, 2021 Paris has always had Africa as a route for its political and economic expansionism, advancing on the continent and making it part of its international sphere of influence. However, it is possible to see that the African people are increasingly indignant with the constant presence of French military […]

Burkina Faso : En 10 ans, le gouvernement américain a anéanti le pays

Si le gouvernement américain cherchait à anéantir le Burkina Faso, il ne pourrait guère faire mieux. Mais ce pays d’Afrique de l’Ouest, déjà très appauvri et enclavé, est tout bonnement emblématique de l’exercice qui n’est qu’absurdité auquel se livre la Françafrique à l’échelle du Sahel. Source : AntiWar – Danny Sjursen Traduit par les lecteurs […]

A Senseless Cathedral of Doom

In early June 2021, the United States military led a major military exercise on the African continent: the African Lion 21.  Major General Andrew Rohling of the US Army’s Southern European Task Force said it was the ‘largest US military exercise ever conducted on this continent’. The African Lion military exercise, which was first held […]
The post A Senseless Cathedral of Doom first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Will Biden’s America Stop Creating Terrorists?

(Photo Credit:  CODEPINK) Joe Biden will take command of the White House at a time when the American public is more concerned about battling coronavirus than fighting overseas wars. But America’s wars rage on regardless, and the militarized counterterrorism policy Biden has supported in the past—based on airstrikes, special operations and the use of proxy […]

The UN’s 12th Nobel Peace Prize: Our Latest Podcast Episode

David Beasley, the head of the World Food Program and an American, spoke to the media at UN headquarters in New York City remotely on Oct. 16, 2020. The agency was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize a week earlier, and he used the briefing to plea for billions of more dollars in donations to the agency to stave off famines in certain countries. He also asked billionaires to pitch in as nations are “tapped out” from the pandemic financially. JOHN PENNEY

As the Nobel Peace Prize Is Awarded to the World Food Program, Famines Loom

David Beasley, the World Food Program director, center, traveling the past week in northern Burkina Faso with Peter Eriksson, left, Sweden’s minister for development aid, and others. The UN agency was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize on Oct. 9, 2020, for its work fighting hunger globally and preventing the use of hunger as a weapon of war. ERIK ESBJORNSSON

Burkina Faso Fights the War on Terror

Burkina Faso’s National Council for Emergency Relief and Rehabilitation (CONASUR) found in its August 2020 report that more than a million people have been internally displaced by the upsurge in violence in the country. This figure represents a 100% increase compared to early 2020 when Burkina Faso had 450,000 internally displaced persons. Now, almost 5% of Burkina Faso’s population has fled their homes because[Read More...]