
Fox reports Twitter and Facebook silenced Hunter Biden bombshell, CNN – crickets [Video]

Anybody ever doubting that American news is managed ought to be able to see that this is the case today. Consider these three splash pages, whose screenshots were taken within seven minutes of one another at 01:30AM Eastern Daylight Time, October 15, 2020: First let’s look at CBS News, a major network prone to fits […]

Trump campaign ad exposes Hunter Biden’s dodgy deals with China…and soon Ukraine (Video)

Via Zerohedge (https://www.zerohedge.com/political/trump-hits-joe-and-hunters-china-malarkey-new-campaign-ad)…
The Trump reelection campaign is out with a new ad attacking Joe and Hunter Biden’s close ties to China.
The two-minute ad spotlights Joe Biden’s cozy relationship with Chinese President Xi, interspersed with clips of destitute Americans whose jobs were outsourced during the Obama-Biden years.

There’s No Longer Any Question: Biden Carried Out a Cover-Up in Ukraine

Trump stands vindicated for accusing Biden of trying to cover up his son's corruption in Ukraine after one of that country's lawmakers released audio recordings of the former Vice President's numerous conversations with former President Poroshenko to that effect, proving that the real Ukrainegate scandal has been about the Democrat front-runner all along.

BUSTED. Marie Yovanovitch caught lying to protect Creepy Joe (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss how a freedom of information act has now exposed contacts between the US embassy in Ukraine and former Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch and the corrupt Burisma Holdings which employed Hunter Biden as a board director.
Yovanovitch’s Ukrainegate impeachment testimony conveniently omitted any mention of her multiple meetings with Burisma, and upwards of 160 documents referencing Burisma and the Bidens.