British Empire

The Next Million Zillion Years – Charles Galton Darwin’s Genocide Plan – Jay Dyer (Partial)

CORRECTION: My copy of the book lists his birthdate as 1887 and I mistakenly thought this was the publication date. The publication date is 1952 – my mistake.  This is the first free portion of my analysis of the book, while the full lecture will be available the following day for subscribers to at the PayPal and Patreon links. Highlighting both the absurdity and the danger of the globalists and their genocidal plans, we examine another prophetic book from the bad guys – Charles Galton Darwin’s The Next Million Years.

The US Once Locked up White Australians Like Australia Does to Asylum Seekers Today

Lurking behind the debates about offshore processing lies a little-known historical irony: white Australians were once locked up in immigration centers that bore a striking resemblance to the Manus Island and Nauru detention centers, which were recently harshly criticised by the UN Human Rights Committee. And unsurprisingly, they were far from happy about it.

The Secret Society That Ruined the World: Rhodes, Rothschild, Milner – Jay Dyer

I continue my analysis of Quigley’s later work, The Anglo American Establishment, following upon my lectures last year on the total 1300 pages of Tragedy and Hope. Here, we look deeper into the key players who make up the real Illuminati that successfully engineered the faux democracy of the modern world, run by a shadow banking-corporate empire. The full talks can be obtained by subscribing to JaysAnalysis for 4.95 a month or 60.00 per year at the PayPal links.

Book review. Inglorious Empire: What the British Did to India by Shashi Tharoor

Book review. Inglorious Empire: What the British Did to India by Shashi Tharoor
by Ian Sinclair
Red Pepper
June-July 2017

In 2015 Shashi Tharoor’s brilliant speech to the Oxford Union Society on the motion “This house believes Britain owes reparations to her former colonies” went viral, receiving coverage across the world.
Tharoor, an MP for the Indian National Congress, former senior United Nations official, novelist and scholar, has now expanded the argument he made at Oxford into Inglorious Empire.

Social media response to London fire proves how much the west is hated

When ever a terrorist attack, man made disaster or natural disaster occurs, a large variety of opinion floods social media. It is a very keen insight into the feelings of millions throughout the world. Even those who conspicuously post provocative comments are able to tap into the real feelings of others, even if ‘trolling’ remarks may not  reflect the views of the typically anonymous authors.

5 non-conspiratorial facts that prove a western liberal/jihadist alliance

The internet is full of theories about just who controls ISIS and like-minded groups and why. Many are based only on circumstantial evidence though others do have some merit. Many more are outlandish however well meaning and some are just nonsense.
But one needn’t turn to conspiracy theories in order to prove a deeply frightening link between neo-liberal western elites and ISIS. The facts are widely available and many are well known, though hardly ever discussed in western mainstream media.
Here are the key facts

Non-Alignment and Dissent to Challenge US-Russia-China’s New World Order

In groups of people there are always bullies who feel entitled, for no particular reason, to want more than the rest and to dominate the others in complete disregard of the common good. Fortunately for convivial people, bullies tend to have the psychological subtlety of dominant male gorillas who beat loudly on their chests and fight over food and females. Therefore bullies often annihilate each other. The more serious social problems occur when they collaborate to gang up on others.