
Covid-19(84) Circulating In Italy, France, US & Likely Elsewhere Nov/Dec 2019:Covid Infections Falling BEFORE Lockdowns

That's right folks. Nov/Dec 2019. Not January 2020.  Not after it was identified in Wuhan, China.  In fact months before it was identified in China it was on the move in Italy, France, US and likely everywhere else. Including here in Canada! Exactly, as I'd suspected and likely stated here at the blog. Other persons, who actually fired up some brains cells, have made the same suggestions. When you think about this situation, if you actually think about it, it would seem sensible that the virus had been in circulation for some time.

Nomadiceveryman: Racism REDEFINED - G-20 Police Brutality Against Largely White Protestors, Remembered.

Scott hits it outta the ballpark, again! No good was ever going to come of the George Floyd incident. Because the entire psychological operation that was created around the incident was undertaken to create still more discord. More divide. I'm completely at a loss why more people aren't seeing this for what it EXACTLY is. Divide and Conquer or Divide to Rule: the policy of maintaining control over one's subordinates or subjects by encouraging dissent between them.

Pt.2: Ontario & Quebec Killed Their Seniors in Long Term Care in a Manner Suspiciously Similar To Many Other Places

 Keeping in mind, throughout this entire report,  that "kill " means to deprive of life: to cause the death of.  Though we're starting with Ontario and Quebec, they were not the only locales that killed persons in long term care or retirement homes when it seems obvious, no hindsight necessary, they should have really known what would be the outcome of their actions.Why am I saying they should have known the outcome of their actions would have been mass killing?

Coronavirus: Top Government Scientist Neil Ferguson (tested positive for Covid) resigns from SAGE after breaking lockdown rules

I don't really care who came calling. That's NOT the reason this news is being posted.  Though I will say apparently this woman, who has a husband and two children, was unconcerned about the "viral pandemic" Or her children's well being?Telegraph

Lock Downs To Do More Damage then Virus: Shielding Elderly & Vulnerable A Huge Fail

The effects of a long term lockdown could do more damage than coronavirus itself, an Oxford professor has warned.

Professor Carl Heneghan, director of the centre for evidence-based medicine at Oxford University, told Radio 4’s Today programme: “In fact, the damaging effect now of lockdown is going to outweigh the damaging effect of coronavirus.”

The Middle East Conflict You Haven’t Heard About?

Wall Street Journal published a piece claiming there’s a "conflict you’ve not heard about"Wrong! Readers here have heard/read about it. Having, in fact, been informed fairly extensively about the conflict, that is the subject of their oped.While others obfuscate, we’ve explored, as much as possible, in order to have a basic understanding of the situation.


  So far I don’t feel compelled to address the coronavirus or Trumps new map for peace in any substantive form. The coronavirus is garnering an excessive amount of coverage already. As for Trump’s idea of a “peace” plan, this was always going to be more pieces of Palestine for Israel’s expansionary benefit.  The very same plan is unfolding in the wider region around Israel. Trump has never hidden the fact that his primary concern was for Israel.