Brief Analysis

Russia calls for relaxation of UNSC nuclear sanctions on DPRK

As a major part of normalizing the situation on the Korean peninsula relative to the isolation of the North Korean regime, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, Maria Zakharova, is advocating for the relaxation of nuclear related sanctions which were implemented more than a decade ago by the United Nations Security Council.
Such action could help move the peace and denuclearization process along by allowing international economic transactions to occur.
Xinhuanet News reports:

Mexico is considering heavy tariffs on US corn and soy

While staring down the barrel of potential tariffs on autos being levied by the Trump administration, the Mexicans are considering their options.
One of those happens to be a retaliatory tariff on American grown soybeans and corn.
Mexico has been researching other suppliers from which to purchase these goods as well in order to dampen any negative impact on the Mexican economy that these tariffs might pose.

Trump resumes funding for White Helmets

US President Donald Trump has agreed to resume funding for the supposed ‘humanitarian’ White Helmets group in Syria, which apparently has ties to radical jihadist terrorist organizations operating for the destabilization of Syria and the overthrow of the Assad regime, to the tune of $6.6 million.
Part of what makes the White Helmets so heroic in the opinion of the US State Department is the reality that they are considered offensive terrorist linked operatives and therefore may qualify as an opponent of the Syrian government and potential target of Russian airstrikes.

UN resolution slams Israeli murder of Palestinians in Gaza

A resolution has passed in the UN General Assembly slamming Israel’s use of ‘excessive force’ against Palestinian protesters during their Great March of Return in Gaza, with more than 130 killed and thousands injured.
Many of the protesters were unarmed but encountered live ammunition from Israeli snipers. Victims included journalists and first aid responders, who were well marked but were targeted and slaughtered anyway.

Congress to bind President’s hands on troop removal from Korean peninsula

When the President wants to wage a war somewhere, he just does it, and no one bats an eye. But for the first time in a very long time, as opposed to escalating tensions, invading, and bombing somewhere, a US president is proposing to deescalate a situation and establish peace somewhere.
That’s a major thing in and of itself. But that’s not alright in the minds of US congressmen, who are concerned that a peace arrangement might be brokered with North Korea if Trump withdraws American troops from the Korean peninsula.

Malaysian Airlines doesn’t accept the ‘Russia did it’ narrative regarding MH17 crash

Whenever something happens, the habit, as of late, has been to point the finger at Russia. ‘The Russians did it!’ is proclaimed from the rooftops, followed by a very shady story about how they supposedly did it. Whether it’s election hacking or ex spy poisonings, or plane crashes, the Russians are the ones who did it.
The narrative is that the Russians used old soviet equipment, from within the Ukraine, to shoot the passenger plane out of the sky. But so far, no conclusive evidence has come forward to back up the claim. The Malaysian Airlines doesn’t even buy the story.

Trump’s anger over Kim-Lavrov meeting shows his lack of sincerity

Trump’s lack of consistency relative to the nuclear disarmament of the North Korean regime and peace in the region seems to betray that he isn’t particularly interested in achieving a resolution of the issues that have plagued US-DPRK relations for over six decades. By looking at the threats he has been making of unleashing nuclear annihilation on the northeastern Asian country, one can gather, rather, that he may actually be hostile to North Korea personally.