Brief Analysis

US wants a coup in Venezuela because of its oil reserves, says Abby Martin in recent interview (Video)

In a recent episode of Redacted Tonight with Lee Camp, Empire Files host Abby Martin describes America’s desire to overthrow the Venezuelan regime as a part of its desire to get at Venezuela’s massive oil reserves. Martin discusses how this aspect of US foreign policy is not new and continues on, perhaps with a new vigour, under the Trump administration.
RT reports:

Italy’s migrant crackdown reveals fractures within the EU

As German Chancellor Angela Merkel races to find a solution to the migrant crisis in Germany by seeking a pan European solution, oppositional interests become more pronounced. As Merkel admits that a solution will come out of a formal bloc-wide meeting on the matter, Italy’s position on the migrant situation becomes more pronounced, and very much opposed to taking in any more refugees.

Assad: Talks with US a ‘waste of time’

Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad, pointed out in a recent interview that he thinks that negotiating with the Americans is essentially a fruitless endeavour, in his words ‘a waste of time’. The Americans can’t be trusted to abide by anything they say because in reality the US leadership is beholden to special interest groups, the media, and multinational corporations.
TASS reports:

House Republicans plan cuts to all infrastructure spending to support massive military budget

A 2019 budget plan cooked up by House Republicans aims at cutting all federal spending that isn’t defense related in an effort to reign in the debt problem. It includes massive cuts to medicare, medicaid, Social Security, education grants, welfare, and other programs aimed and softening the blow of America’s growing poverty rate. Meanwhile, this comes about while Trump is cutting taxes on the rich, introducing a ‘Space Force’, and providing massive increases to military spending.

Merkel and Conte clash as migration issue threatens to split the EU

Italian Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, and German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, butt heads as the migration issue exposes a growing divide between the EU’s member constituents.
Merkel has proposed a draft declaration to address the matter which contains a provision that could lead to the repatriation of migrants back to the EU nations in which migrants originally filed for asylum, which often means Italy or Greece, leaving them to disproportionately field the issue, a provision which Italy rejects.

Trump’s tariffs threaten 200k jobs, senators say

The Trump administration is intent upon following its course of action to the end no matter the cost. The promises Trump made on his campaign trail seem to be a large part of his guiding light as he navigates his tenure.
A part those commitments was that of bringing manufacturing jobs back to America, cutting the trade deficit, and putting America into a more equitable position on trade matters, if not, perhaps, even in a position that puts America in a competitively advantageous position.

Most Chinese say US should assume responsibility for migrant crisis

Over 97% of Chinese agree that the US is largely responsible for the migrant crises that have led to tens of millions of people being displaced, adding that they don’t believe that China should feel obligated to solve crises which other nations have created.
Almost all of the Chinese citizens who were polled on the matter of taking in migrants answered with the perspective that America made these messes, now they can take responsibility for them.