Brief Analysis

EU to deepen economic cooperation with China amid trade row with America

As a trade war between America and the European Union, and America and China, Europe is looking to deepen its economic ties to China. Preparations are under way to provide a multilateral investment agreement between the EU and China which would help offset the economic losses incurred by Trump’s trade war as well as help to preserve the multilateral economic order.

Trump admin threatens to sanction any country buying Iranian oil after close of grace period, no exceptions made for allies

The Trump administration is once against throwing its weight around, making threats, and offering to disrupt international relations. Washington’s officials are on a tour to inform world leaders that they will not be spared secondary sanctions from the United States should they not have closed out their oil imports from Iran by the end of a November 4th deadline, and not even allies are being prepared an exemption to the rule.

US, Britain, and allies seek to expand OPCW competencies

Ever so convenient for the powers of the West which arm, fund, and run interference for terrorist organizations, which serve as their proxies as agents of destabilization, a special session for the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons is being held at the Hague for the purpose of outlining and granting it expanded competencies in the area of assigning definitive charges for the use of chemical weapons.

EU leaders fail to identify ‘European solution’ to migration crisis at informal meeting

On Sunday, an informal meeting was hosted in Brussels at the request of (for now) German Chancellor Angela Merkel to tackle the issue of migration and to potentially identify a ‘European solution’.
Merkel is between a rock and a hard spot over the migration issue as it threatens to split her governmental coalition, and Merkel’s position as Chancellor.

Harley Davidson to move production overseas in response to tariffs

US President Donald Trump campaigned on the idea of repatriating American manufacturing in order to create more jobs that pay livable wages, like in the good ol’ days when America was ‘great’ and prosperity was experienced by the bulk of the population.
So Trump has embarked on a trade war with America’s trading partners to convince the manufacturers to bring production back home and America’s trade allies to provide more equitable trade terms to America.

Nine countries agree to the formation of a European defense force

Nine European countries are set to put the finishing touches on the creation of a new European military organization. The new European military force has enjoyed significant support from Germany and France and is presently looking at becoming a reality. The military organization is to realize the participation of France, Germany, Britain, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands, and Estonia.

Dollar dominance will die in currency war

The USD has dominated the financial workings of the world’s trade since the Bretton Woods Agreement with most international trade being conducted in dollars. However, as the geopolitical centers of power shift, so does the financial. Nations around the world are restoring their gold reserves, and American isolationist policies are increasingly cutting the dollar out of major financial transactions, thereby cutting its influence. Analyst Claudio Grass discusses the matter with RT:

India to buy Iranian oil with rupees in order to skirt US sanctions

US president Donald Trump not only wanted to placate Israel in pulling out of the Iran nuclear accord, but he wanted to economically strangle the Middle Eastern nation through economic sanctions while calling for a color revolution in typical coded language. Those sanctions have been a hot topic for every nation that wants to save the deal as well as those interested in continuing to do business with Iran. India is another such case, expressing interest in skirting US economic sanctions by conducting oil business with Tehran using India’s national currency, the rupee.

Kushner talks ‘deal of the century’ with Israel’s Netanyahu

Trump is after anything big that he can slap his name on to put him in a position that the history books will remember as ‘great’. For this reason, his son-in-law and senior advisor Jared Kushner and special envoy Jason Greenblatt have been on a tour of the Middle East advocating this ‘deal of the century’, where they believe that they are gonna hammer out a peace deal, something that has eluded world leaders for decades.