Brief Analysis

Trade war sparks boycott of American goods in Canada

US President Donald Trump levied metals tariffs affecting steel and aluminum imports of 25% and 10% respectively on the pretext of national security. Objectively speaking, it’s a rather silly move to claim that importing raw materials from Canada presents a threat to America’s national security, with Canada being a long time ally and major trade partner.

EU sues Poland over judiciary reforms

So much for sovereignty. Poland’s government is due to implement a controversial law which would de facto force some of its supreme court justices into early retirement, opening up the way to stack the judiciary deck in the government’s favour. The EU, on the other hand, sees the move as an assault on the rule of law, and is therefore opening up a lawsuit against Poland, and threatening sanctions, over the matter. Sanctions, however, would require unanimity, which is unlikely to appear, meaning that they aren’t likely to see the light of day.

Salvini rules out refugee centers in Italy

Following an EU summit in Brussels aimed at addressing the migration issue facing Europe, Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini declares that his government has won about 70% of its goals on the matter. The summit primarily served the purpose of alleviating political tensions related to the EU migrant quota, secondary migration, and the disproportionate distribution in migrants.

Former British Ambassador to Syria says OPCW turning into NATO tool for war

Between the Skripal poisonings and the staged Douma chemical attack, the West has been on a mission to find a solid pretext for ramping up their hysteria against Russia even further, to ever more so isolate it, and for developing a good excuse to escalate the West’s military participation in Syria with an aim of eliminating the Assad government.