BRICS Social

Rousseff calls for war against Zika virus

Brazil is hosting the Olympics this year and hundreds of thousands of travellers from around the world will descend on Rio de Janeiro in August [Xinhua]Brazil has vowed to wage war against the quick-moving Zika virus while urging its neighbours to unite in fighting the virus responsible for a surge in brain-damaged babies.
“While we do not have a vaccine against the Zika virus, the war must be concentrated on the elimination of breeding grounds for the mosquito. Getting rid of Zika is the responsibility of all of us,” Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff has asserted.

Employment, social inclusion in focus at BRICS labour meet

“Growth isn’t the whole story, can’t guarantee decent work, inclusion or equity,” said ILO chief Ryder at the BRICS meet.
The labour and employment ministers of the BRICS countries are discussing issues of legalising labour relations and social insurance, steps designed to increase formal employment at a first of its kind Labour Summit in Ufa.