
Tom Steyer Should End His Candidacy Immediately-- And Bloomberg Shouldn't Run At All

There are always exceptions to blanket statements in politics, but, at least, to my mind, that billionaires should not be supported in presidential runs is not one of them. Steyer may be a better candidate, issue-wise than, say, the far more conservative and venal Michael Bloomberg, but he's still a billionaire who thinks he's entitled to buy whatever his money can buy.

Bombshell Admission: According To Ukrainian MP, Joe Biden Was Paid $900,000 By Ukrainian Gas Company for Lobbying Services

A Ukrainian official revealed that former Vice President Joe Biden received $900,000 from Burisma gas company for lobbying services, and he says documents from an investigation show that the money was transferred to Rosemont Seneca Partners, a US-based company that is affiliated with Biden.

Computer Hackers Target Cities with Outdated Infrastructure for Bribe Payments After Shutting Down Systems

Attackers are going after both companies and cities by exploiting vulnerabilities via malicious email attachments and demanding payments for decryption keys. In early June, Baltimore rejected a $76,000 ransom, and the damage will instead cost the city about $18 million in IT costs and lost revenue.

Draining The Swamp In North Carolina Yields The Head Of The State Republican Party, The Party's Top Donor And 3 Others, Including A Far Right Member Of Congress

About a decade ago, mostly back in 2006 and 2008, we used to write a lot about a North Carolina multimillionaire congressman named Robin Hayes. The district he represented, NC-08, is now mostly NC-09, the one where a Trumpist candidate was caught rigging the ballots last year, causing the election to be voided. The district has no representative in Congress now and a new election is in the works.

Witness Testified that Mexican Drug Lord, ‘El Chapo’, Bribed Former President Peña Nieto with $100-Million

Cifuentes testified that under Peña Nieto's regime, Mexican cartels grew in power as he was unable or unwilling to stop cartel violence, key cartel figures were suspiciously released from prison and Mexican police participated in trafficking, selling the drugs themselves.

Very Rich Slavers Have Been Paying Off Trump And Congressional Conservatives For The Right To Use Slavery In The U.S. Again

In the video above, you can see our friends at Cuéntame calling out corrupt hypocrite Debbie Wasserman Schultz for her scandalous role in the prison-for-profit system. Cuéntame wanted to know why Wasserman Schultz, then head of the DNC was "siding with the Corrections Corporation of America and not her constituents in Southwest Ranches?

Bribe? Campaign Contribution? What's The Difference? And Who Defines The Difference?

Pelosi is going to establish another select Committee on Climate Change and appoint Tampa Democrat Kathy Castor as chair instead of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. As I've mentioned, Castor is relatively (even very) scrupulous about not taking money from industries she takes part in writing legislation for unlike most of her colleagues.