Brian Schatz

Conservative Unions Backs Conservative Candidates-- Let's Look At Hawaii's Senate Race

Hanabusa with her longtime friend, anti-gay legislator Sam Slom (the only GOP State Senator in Hawai`i). She calls him "Sammy" during their frequent joint appearances on conservative talk radio in Honolulu. Historically, the International Longshore and Warehouse Union has always prided itself on being among the most progressive labor unions.For four decades, starting with its founding in 1937, the ILWU was led by radical Harry Bridges.

Hawaii Senate Race Highlights The Difference Between Progressives And Conservatives In Terms Of Social Security

Today a number of progressive groups are doing a press conference in Honolulu to formally announce the introduction of the Harkin-Schatz Enhancing Social Security Bill. Interestingly, Senator Schatz in being challenged for reelection by conservative Democrat Colleen Hanabusa whose positions are more corporate-friendly and less family-friendly.

Hawai'i Senate Race: Brian Schatz's Record On Choice Is Far Better Than Colleen Hanabusa's

Another wise Brain Schatz supporterMore often than not, EMILY's List backs conservative women but they claim they only back ones who are pro-Choice. And most of the conservative women they endorse are indeed pro-Choice... kinda, sorta. Sometimes they're far less pro-Choice than the progressive men EMILY's List is always on a jihad against.

Ex-Mobil Executive Spills The Beans About How Big Oil Is Fracking Up The Planet

The head of the California Democratic Party's Environmental Caucus, R.L. Miller, is starting up a national Climate Hawks Vote project. She was instrumental in getting a resolution calling for a moratorium on fracking through the sometimes tepid California Democratic Party and many of us know her as an intrepid environmental blogger at Daily Kos.

Constituents Are Petitioning Colleen Hanabusa To Resign From The Corrupt New Dems

The Republican wing of Hawaii's Democratic Party-- Colleen and EdSince getting into Congress, Colleen Hanabusa was been a disgrace to the Democratic Party, always eager to do the bidding of the Wall Street special interests and of the Military Industrial Complex that President Eisenhower warned the country about when Hanabusa was just ten years old. And now she's running a nasty primary campaign against one of Hawaii's two progressive U.S.