Brian Schatz

What Really Happened In The FL-13 Congressional Race-- Did The DCCC And EMILY's List Blow It For Alex Sink?

Steve Israel to 25 DCCC field organizers in Florida: "Get out of Dodge, STAT!"I was surprised to wake up the morning after the FL-13 debacle and find a comment by an Alex Sink field volunteer on our election night coverage post. She started by asserting that the field director "was a pompous drunk, who held no-one anymore accountable than he did himself.

New Dem Colleen Hanabusa-- Fighting On The Wrong Side Of The Minimum Wage Battle… As Usual

I have no idea why, but corrupt conservative New Dem Colleen Hanabusa has me on her mailing list. Usually I just delete all the EMILY's List-generated spam she sends out, but this morning I opened one because "minimum wage" was in the subject line. A consistent shill for Big Business and K Street lobbyists, I wanted to see if she was using Republican talking points in her argument. As it turned out, she claimed to be in favor of raising the minimum wage-- just not as much as any other Democrats!

PCCC Endorses Brian Schatz

This morning, Brian Schatz added another grassroots progressive group to his growing list of endorsers. The PCCC came out strongly in favor of Schatz's campaign after their local members voted 4 to 1 in favor of the organization endorsing Brian over New Dem Colleen Hanabusa. They cited Social Security as the "defining issue" in the race and in their decision.

Calling Out The Worst Members Of Congress On Their Environmental Votes

The League of Conservation Voters may be, effectively, a political adjunct of the DCCC when it comes to backing House candidates, but their annual scorecard on how incumbents vote, is a very accurate reflection of which Members of Congress are working to save the planet and which are working to allow predatory profiteers like the Koch brothers to destroy it. The average score in the House this year was a dismal 43%, one of the lowest scores ever.

The Restore Honor to Service Members Act Languishes Under Republican Party Obstruction

Mark Pocan (D-WI) will have to be a magician if he's going to get his Restore Honor to Service Members Act (H.R. 2839) out of committee and passed into law. Sure, Pocan rounded up 144 cosponsors for his bill, but only one-- Ileana Ros-Lehtinen-- is a Republican. Her colleagues are accustomed to writing off her pro-LGBT actions because she doesn't hassle them over their homophobia and because she has a huge LGBT population in her blue-leaning district.

The Corporate Trade Agenda That Is Roiling The Hawaii Senate Race

The latest NAFTA-like, jobs-destroying "free trade" treaty, the Transpacific Partnership, could become an issue in the Hawai'i Senate race, where notoriously corrupt New Dem corporate shill, Colleen Hanabusa, is trolling for Big Business cash by backing the TPP and progressive champion and incumbent, Brian Schatz, has grave concerns which he is insisting be seriously addressed.