
An inside look at how The New York Times gets government employees to leak info about Trump

Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced last week that his office will begin to crackdown on leakers, which will include a review of the DOJ’s policies of issuing subpoenas to media outlets that publish sensitive information.
In a widely televised press conference, Sessions said..

“I have this message for our friends in the intelligence community–The Justice Department is open for business, and I have this warning for potential leakers: Don’t do it.”

Porkins Policy Radio episode 101 The Russians Are Coming with JP Sottile and Robbie Martin

In the first hour I am joined by JP Sottile of News Vandal for an in-depth conversation on the growing scandal involving Donald Trump Jr. We begin by touching on the latest person to have been in the infamous meeting, Ike Kaveladze, and his connection to a 2000 Congressional investigation into Russian money laundering operations. JP and I go beyond the headlines and try to decipher what this meeting might have actually been about. We offer up a more straight forward narrative that this was a meeting about corruption and payoffs.

The Most Powerful Family You’ve Never Heard Of

(ANTIMEDIA) History is full of powerful families that have left their mark on the political and economic systems of their age. During the Italian Renaissance, there were the Borgias and Medicis. In the United States, a number of families have realized America is not only the land of opportunity but also the land of wealth and dynastic power.

This is a 10 point timeline of the events leading up to Trump’s ‘Obama wiretap’ bombshell revelation

Lawyer, author, and host of The Mark Levin Show, Mark Levin, called the effort to remove Trump a “silent coup” by the Obama administration. Levin is one of the leading voices calling for an investigation into Obama’s activity spanning the last weeks he was in office and the recent months he has been out of office.

SEEDS Of FASCISM: Exposing the Truth – International Zionists, the “New World” & the ‘Return to the 1930s’…

This is probably the most important thing that will be posted on this site this year, so I would ask anyone here to read it all the way through and then draw your own conclusions. The underlying theme that emerges from this article – which I have been putting together since December – is one […]

Milo Yiannopoulos Disinvited From CPAC Following Comments Condoing Pedophilia

Milo Yiannopoulos speaks on campus in the Mathematics building at the University of Colorado in Boulder, Colo. (Jeremy Papasso/Daily Camera via AP
LOS ANGELES (REPORT) — Right-wing provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos has been disinvited to this year’s Conservative Political Action Conference after his attempt to clarify past comments on relationships between boys and older men fell flat with organizers.
Hours later, his publisher cancelled his book “Dangerous,” which had been scheduled to come out in June.