
Democratic Candidates Are Advocating A Progressive Agenda And Are Happy To Make The Election A Referendum On Trump

GOP candidates rallying behind Trump read an ABC News headline yesterday. Some are, of course... and some aren't. The line that interested me most, though, was "Republicans appear far more comfortable touting Trump’s leadership than Democrats do arguing against it." Again, some are and some aren't-- on both ends of that statement.

Is The Road To A Senate Majority Thru Tennessee? Bredesen Is Much Better Than Kyrsten Sinema

Tennessee (R+14 PVI, worse than Texas, South Carolina, Kansas or Alaska) was a very Trumpy state in 2016. Trump beat Hillary 1,522,925 (60.7%) to 870,695 (34.7%) and won every one of Tennessee's 95 counties except Shelby (Memphis), Davidson (Nashville) and tiny Haywood, a black-majority rural agricultural county north of Memphis. So its hardly a state you'd think the Democrats would be targeting for a big Senate race. But they are.

Is The Open Tennessee Senate Seat Flippable?

Schumer has recruited 2 of the worst members of the House to run for the two most winnable 2018 Senate seats-- Kyrsten Sinema (AZ), actually the very worst Democrat in the House, and Jacky Rosen (NV), a pathetic non-entity. Only a wave good sweep garbage like those two worthless conservatives into the Senate. And Schumer is counting on just that. On the other hand, Schumer has worked hard to successfully recruit the most electable Democrat in Tennessee for a seat few thought the Democrats had any chance to win: popular and well-respected former governor, Phil Bredesen.