Is South Carolina Ready For A Democratic Party Take-Over?

We've been talking about convicted cocaine dealer/ex-Treasurer of South Carolina Tom Ravenel ® and how he is hoping to pivot from ex-con and BRAVO sit com/reality show star to anti-Lindsey Graham general election Senate candidate in November. If he does, he's likely to throw the election to the Democratic candidate. You don't think so?

Will BRAVO Spawn A Monster This November… In Charleston?

No one knows if South Carolina Republican-turned-Libertarian Thomas Ravenel is floating trial balloons about running for Senate this year-- against his nemesis Lindsey Graham-- as a publicity stunt for his new BRAVO TV show, Southern Charm or if his participation in the shocking TV show is a publicity stunt for his Senate run.

Republican Coke Freak Thomas Ravenel Reinvents Himself As A BRAVO! Reality TV Star

It was Samuel Johnson who, in 1775, coined the phrase "Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel." They didn't have reality TV back then. Do you remember Thomas Ravenel, the Republican wing nut who was elected Treasurer of South Carolina, the head of Rudy Giuliani's ill-fated South Carolina presidential campaign and the last Tea Party opponent for Lindsey Graham-- all before he was caught selling coke.