
Video: The #1 ‘Mind Trick’ to Achieve Your Goals

The sad reality is that many people fail to achieve their goals. Whether it’s a mission to shed 10 pounds, or change your career path, many of us continually fail to ‘follow through’ on these self-promises. Thankfully, there are ways to ‘hack’ your mind and set yourself up to succeed in following these goals.
Here’s my #1 ‘mind trick’ to help you do so:

How Coffee Guards Against Alzheimer’s, Type 2 Diabetes

We know that just enough coffee can perk you up, and too much coffee can keep you up. Now, scientists are saying that moderate amounts of coffee can improve your cognitive abilities.
People who consistently drink one to two cups of coffee per day throughout their lives and don’t regularly drink more than that significantly decrease their chances of developing mild cognitive impairment (MCI), according to researchers.