
Serotonin & Your Brain: Does Low Serotonin Cause Depression?

Serotonin & Your Brain: Does Low Serotonin Cause Depression? Dr. Colin Ross Mental Health, SSRIs
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Consumer Group Warns Against Consuming Splenda

Findings of a study on the link between sucralose and cancer that caused uproar when they were presented at a cancer conference in 2013 have finally been published.
The food industry dismissed the results of the study when they were presented in London, but they are now available for the world to see in the peer-reviewed International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health.

Could a ‘Monsanto Insecticide’ be Causing Microcephaly in Babies?

The world is in a state of panic over the Zika virus, an infection spreading like wildfire and is believed to cause microcephaly in babies. But Latin American doctors believe something else is causing microcephaly in Brazil: Pyriproxyfen, a pesticide used in that country since 2014 to halt the development of mosquito larvae in drinking water tanks.

Company Looks to Freeze a Living Human Brain to “Resurrect” it by 2045

Would you freeze your brain for the chance to live again?
One company claims that by 2045, it will be able to resurrect the dead.
Entrepreneur Josh Bocanegra is the head of Humai, an artificial intelligence company that is aiming to “extend and enhance life” by freezing human brains for extended periods of time using cryonics.
But Bocanegra’s ultimate goal is to freeze someone’s brain before they die. It’s a lofty goal for a high school drop-out who once set up a dating company that allows singles to share a room for a week.

Aerobic Exercise Affects the Brain Much Like Marijuana Does

Everyone has heard of “runner’s high,” but it seems that it’s quite a literal statement.
For an all-natural high, tie on some running shoes and hit the pavement. Researchers from the University of Hamburg and University of Heidelberg say the same euphoric feeling that comes with smoking marijuana can be achieved through running and other forms of aerobic exercise because it impacts the brain in a similar way as marijuana. [1]