
Australian Update Plus Roundtable

Australian Update Plus Roundtable The Ochelli Effect 6-16-2022 Roundtable and Australian Ben Australian Update Plus Roundtable The Ochelli Effect 6-16-2022 Roundtable and Australian Ben It seemed like a typical Friday despite it being a Thursday Night. What is happening in Australia? Ben brought clips and a report about the latest round of [...]
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Fans Clubs Ideas Haters

Fans Clubs Ideas Haters The Ochelli Effect 6-10-2022 Roundtable Fans Clubs Ideas Haters The Friday Night Open Mic went on as usual. Glenn Viklund was expected to join us and debate B Pete but did not. Jimmy wants to start a Hater Club. The Jimmy James Fan Club was discussed. Jimmy James, Vance, and [...]
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Storms Reforms Dogmen Thorns

Storms Reforms Dogmen Thorns The Ochelli Effect 6-3-2022 Roundtable Storms Reforms Dogmen Thorns The Ochelli Effect 6-3-2022 Roundtable How’s the weather near you? B Pete co-hosts the Friday Night Open Mic and asked what people might think about Trump running in 2024. Christie closed the show with Dogmen, maybe. Chris added a [...]
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Leisure Suit Larry Returns

Leisure Suit Larry Returns The Ochelli Effect 5-27-2022 Roundtable Leisure Suit Larry Returns Video Games and life is not made up of urban legends, but they can all seem unreal. B Pete co-hosts the Friday Night Open Mic on The Ochelli Effect. Callers on this show are Jimmy James, Vance, Natureboy, Captain Trips, and [...]
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Fluster Cuck Roundtable Bucks

Fluster Cuck Roundtable Bucks The Ochelli Effect 5-20-2022 Roundtable Fluster Cuck Roundtable Bucks The Ochelli Effect 5-20-2022 Roundtable Chris, Vance, and Bob all called the show this week. B Pete did his co-hosting gig. Chuck disrupted nearly everything. We got into Conspiracy Theory as a thing. The guy that hated Chuck in [...]
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Thirteenth Friday Ripping Roundtable

Thirteenth Friday Ripping Roundtable The Ochelli Effect 5-13-2022 Roundtable Thirteenth Friday Ripping Roundtable The Ochelli Effect 5-13-2022 Roundtable B Pete made it to the show this week. We started The Friday Night Open Mic with many tons of weight falling and ended with slasher flicks. Jimmy James had trouble getting money to [...]
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Baseball Football JFK Questions

Baseball Football JFK Questions The Ochelli Effect 4-29-2022 Roundtable Baseball Football JFK Questions We did the Friday Night Open Mic Night again and went a little over time. Farm systems are important to some sports. Who got a Pardon? Is it more or less violent in America than the media wants you to Believe? [...]
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TWA 800 911 Five Freakin Dogs

TWA 800 911 Five Freakin Dogs The Ochelli Effect 4-22-2022 Roundtable TWA 800 911 Five Freakin Dogs The Ochelli Effect 4-22-2022 Roundtable We need more callers when the Lines are Open. 1(319)527-5016 Chuck has too many Dogs. B Pete knows K-Pop. TWA Flight 800 is crazy. 9-11 was interesting in NYC. Lots [...]
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Firing Line Opening Credits

Firing Line Opening Credits The Ochelli Effect 3-11-2022 Roundtable Firing Line Opening Credits The Ochelli Effect 3-11-2022 Roundtable Join In – WE ARE TAKING CALLS 1(319)527-5016 on Friday Nights 8-10 pm Eastern! B Pete co-hosts the Friday Night Open Mic. Chuck talked about getting fired. Spent Kent, Vanarchy, Jimmy James, Mrs.O, and [...]
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Thirteen Questions Hellbound Rummy

Thirteen Questions Hellbound Rummy The Ochelli Effect 7-9-2021 Bill Strutner – Adam Loyal – Roundtable Thirteen Questions Hellbound Rummy In the first hour, Chuck interviews the guys behind the 13 Questions Podcast. Chuck is a guest in an upcoming episode. That episode is slated to be released Tuesday. Bill and Adam explain their concept [...]
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