
Why Not Boycott US Products Until It Ends Its Embargo of Cuba and Leaves Guantanamo?

On 23 June, 184 nations at United Nations voted for an end to the half-century long USA embargo against tiny Cuba. Only the USA and Israel voted against the resolution. A Reuters article reprinted in the New York Times wrote: Cuba said earlier this month the decades-old U.S. trade embargo cost it a record total […]

« Palestine : soutien à BDS », par Badia Benjelloun

Apartheid Si l’actuel ministre de l'(In)Justice déclare vouloir interdire la lutte des militants BDS au prétexte que cette campagne est discriminante vis-à-vis d’un Etat, alors il a raison quant au motif allégué mais tort quant à la conclusion qu’il en tire. En effet, il s’agit de mettre à l’index et de mettre au ban un système qui revendique explicitement la […]

Elections Are Not Democracy: Call To Boycott Upcoming Israeli and Palestinian Votes that Don’t Matter

Elections will matter in Palestine when they are called to include all people who live between the River and the Sea -- one person, one vote for a single legislature and executive in a Palestine that is liberated.
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