Bobby Bright

Crawling Through The Wreckage Of This Year's Republican Party Primaries

Although Dana Rohrabacher is a special case we can look at below, basically there are no Republicans in Congress who are being primaried because they are too Trumped-up. The most Trumpified lunatics in the House-- take Matt Gaetz (FL) or Devin Nunes (CA) as perfect examples-- have no mainstream Republicans trying to take them out.

What's The Difference Between A Blue Dog And A Republican?

No one every knew which party Bobby Bright belonged to when he was mayor of Montgomery. But when the longtime congressman for southeast Alabama (including about half of Montgomery) he decided to claim he was a Democrat, even though he's a total gun nut and NRA ally, a gay-hater and, of course, anti-Choice. But as a Democrat he was able to avoid the crowded GOP primary.The district, AL-02 includes Autauga, Barbour, Bullock, Butler, Coffee, Conecuh, Covington, Crenshaw, Dale, Elmore, Geneva, Henry, Houston, and Pike counties and part of Montgomery County.

Why Blue Dog Mike Ross Will Lose His Run For Arkansas Governor

The ad above was released 3 days ago by the Republican Governors Association. It's an unadulterated attack ad on Mike Ross, the Democratic Party candidate for governor of Arkansas, who is running against extremist GOP sociopath Asa Hutchinson. I don't care who wins because both candidates are the worst garbage American politics has to offer. I suppose a lesser of two evils argument could be made in favor of Ross, but, given his virulently reactionary and anti-working family record when he was in Congress, that would be a stretch.

Alabama Reactionaries Bobby Bright And Parker Griffith Reemerging From Their Holes?

Unless you're from Montgomery, Alabama, I wouldn't blame you if you can't remember who Bobby Bright was. As Mayor of Montgomery, Bright never had to say if he was a Democrat or a Republican. But when Republican Terry Everett announced he would not run for reelection in AL-02, a seat that had been in GOP hands for over 4 decades, Bright avoided the crowded GOP primary by running as a Democrat, albeit as gay-hating, anti-Choice NRA Blue Dog. He won the general election by 1,776 votes (just over a half of one percent).