The Blue Line

Disgraced Illinois Cop Planned to “Put a Hit” on Village Administrator, Kept Cocaine in His Desk

He was hailed as a hero because he died in uniform and had a nice smile and was the picture-perfect example of a police officer, which was why his funeral was nationally televised, attended by more than 5,000 officers from around the country.
But now we’re learning that Fox Lake Police Lieutenant Joe Gliniewicz was a conniving crook who swindled hundreds of thousands of dollars from the department’s Explorer program, spending it on porn sites, vacations and gym memberships.

Dash Cam Proves Alabama Cop Lied When He Shot Man Claiming Man Pointed Gun at Him

Officer Daniel Aguirre of the Birmingham Police Department in Alabama shot a man twice last year, claiming that the suspect pointed a gun at him.
Now newly released dash cam footage refutes that claim.
In fact, authorities refused to release the video for more than a year. It was obtained by through a confidential source.
Aguirre shot Aubrey Williams after a robbery of a Wells Fargo ATM on April 24, 2014.

Illinois Cop’s Death Ruled Suicide After Two Months of Avoidance Investigation

After two months of silence, mystery and insinuations about the shooting death of Fox Lake Police Lt. Charles Joseph Gliniewicz, investigators have confirmed the Illinois cop died of a self-inflicted gun wound.
Suicide rather than homicide, the latter which is what the Lake County Sheriff’s Office was trying to push, even though it kept getting more and more obvious as time went by that there was nobody else involved in the shooting.

High-Ranking FBI Agent Convicted of Assault on Teen Nearly Faints in Court After Verdict

Proving to be unstable, combative and petty, an FBI agent interjected himself in a family custodial dispute on behalf of his girlfriend and her estranged husband, who was two hours late in dropping off their baby.
But FBI Agent Gerald Rogero’s intrusive attempts at heroism led to him assaulting and threatening to shoot the 15-year-old son of the estranged husband’s girlfriend.
He then threatened the teen’s mother with arrest when she tried to intervene.

Milwaukee Cops Detain Man Fearing His Camera Could Be Gun, His Phone a Bomb Detonator

Claiming their precinct had come under recent terrorist threats and destructive acts of vandalism, a group of Milwaukee police officers surrounded a man standing outside their building with a camera, telling him they had the right to detain him for a warrant check for “safety reasons.”
“In light of things that have happened recently, it just kind of raises our suspicion,” said a cop who identified himself as “Officer Miller.”
“I have no malicious intent,” assured the videographer, who goes by Superrick568 on YouTube.

Oklahoma Cop Accused of Raping 13 Women on Duty Pleads Not Guilty

Former Oklahoma City Police Officer Daniel Holtzclaw is currently on trial for 36 counts of felony rape and sexual assault.
As an officer, he reportedly raped 13 women on different occasions while on duty.between December 2013 and June 2014. The Oklahoma City Police Department fired and arrested Holtzclaw in 2014.
Holtzclaw has pleaded not guilty.

Los Angeles Deputy Sentenced to 8 Years for Beating Man

Eric Gonzalez was once a sergeant with the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department – now he is on his way to an eight year federal prison term.
Gonzalez was the supervisor on duty when he watched as Gabriel Carrillo was beaten by five other sheriff deputies in February 2011 at the Central Jail in Los Angeles.
U.S. District Judge George King ordered Gonzalez into custody immediately, saying, “You have abused your authority and corrupted the very system you were sworn to uphold.”

California Cops Watch and Do Nothing as Cop Watcher Gets Assaulted by Cop Sucker

A California man with a camera walked up to a pair of illegally parked Bakersfield cops Halloween night, demanding their names and badge numbers, asking what would they do if he had been parking there.
Neither replied as the cop in the drivers seat rolled up his window while Lazaro Lopez continued badgering them with questions.
But then a drunken hero named Ramsey stepped in; a whiny, slurring man who was walking by, telling Lopez to “quit being such a little bitch.”
“These people are fucking protecting you,” Ramsey told him, getting into Lopez’s face.

FBI Unable to Prove Existence of Planned “Halloween Revolt” Ambush on Cops by National Liberation Militia

In a few hours as the sun sets and Halloween descends upon us, the streets of this country will turn into battlefields, pitting masked anarchists against uniformed cops, escalating this so-called War on Police, who are only trying to keep us safe.
That is, if you believe the FBI and the countless news sites that regurgitated its warning earlier this week about a group called the National Liberation Militia planning a “Halloween Revolt” this evening.