The Blue Line

Texas Cop Accuses Man of Trying to Kill Him by Pulling Over in Safer Spot

A Texas cop feared for his life when he tried to pull a man over for speeding, only for the man to exit the highway before coming to a complete stop.
The driver told the cop he was looking out for everybody’s safety by not pulling over on the busy highway.
But Fort Worth police officer George Rusnak said it appeared as if he was trying to lead him to an isolated area to kill him.
Anything to get out of a speeding ticket apparently.

Oregon Man Found Guilty Five Months After Receiving Settlement for Same Arrest Involving Recording of Police

Having already received a $7,500 settlement for a wrongful arrest involving the recording of police in public , an Oregon man was surprised when a jury found him guilty for the same arrest Tuesday.
But Judge Stephen Bushong did not allow any mention of November’s settlement to be part of the trial.
Instead, the six-person jury heard testimony from several police officers that Fred Marlow IV was interfering with their investigation by standing on the property of his apartment complex recording them blasting their way into a home using flash grenades in September 2014.

Atlanta Cop Beats Man Over Purchased Tomato he Suspected was Stolen

An Atlanta man was severely beaten and hospitalized after a cop working as a security guard beat him with a baton over a tomato he had purchased.
After Tyrone Carnegay was hospitalized and cuffed to a hospital bed with a broken leg and a severed artery, Atlanta police took him to jail, where he spent three days before the charges were dropped.

Miami Cop Charged with Drug Trafficking While Out on Bail for Sexual Battery and Armed Kidnapping

A former Miami cop accused of fondling a woman in the back of his patrol car escaped armed kidnapping and sexual battery charges Monday but now faces charges for buying $60,000 worth of cocaine from a confidential informant.
In 2011, Luis Hernandez picked up the 44-year-old victim from police headquarters to transport her to the Miami-Dade County jail after she was arrested following a bar brawl.
But instead of taking her to the jail, he drove her to a parking lot and told her, “I’m going to help you.”

Cleveland Police Union Chief Keeps Blaming Tamir Rice for his Own Death Despite $6 Million Settlement

In the usual display of crass and arrogance we have come to expect from police union leaders, the president of the Cleveland police union sent a letter to the media today, stating that Tamir Rice’s family should donate a proceed of their settlement to educate kids about the dangers of playing with toy guns to keep them from being killed by police.
The $6 million settlement, announced earlier today, means that police will never have to admit to any wrongdoing.

Federal Judge Allows Lawsuit to Proceed Against Texas Cops who Shot and Killed Passive Dog

A federal judge in Texas ruled in favor of a plaintiff in a case against an officer who admitted a man’s dog didn’t pose a threat before he shot and killed it.
Austin police officer Daniel Walsh said Shiner Bock, the dog, “was just kinda walking at me, he wasn’t, he didn’t, I mean . . .’before breaking off the end of his sentence,” an officer at the scene heard him say, according to the lawsuit.

NYPD Officers Charged for Assaulting Man Who Gave Directions to Notorious Cop Killer

An off-chance run-in with a man on the street asking for directions – who just happened to become a notorious cop killer – left a man fearing for his life after a pair of NYPD cops routinely harassed him before they brutally beat him last October.
But now those two New York City cops are facing jail time, according to the New York Times.

Louisiana Sheriff’s Deputy Jailed on Theft Charges Following PINAC Investigation

Maxine Trahan, longtime public information officer for the Acadia Parish Sheriff’s Office in Louisiana, was charged Friday with the theft of public funds in excess of $25,000 – six months after Photography is Not a Crime began a public records investigation into allegations against the media spokeswoman.
Trahan, who has worked for the department for more than ten years, is accused of failing to deposit cash seized from citizens into the department’s bank account, pocketing the money instead.
According to the arrest warrant, the thefts date back to 2010.