IIT-Madras, a Modern Day Agraharam ?

The institute’s recent order, now withdrawn, of separate entrance for non-vegetarians is just a part of the overall policing and push for vegetarianism after the Modi government’s ascent. Image Courtesy: Catch News   Nagesh (name changed), a bright student at the Indian Institute of Technology- Madras, who hails from a very poor economic background, had … Continue reading IIT-Madras, a Modern Day Agraharam ? →

Sacred Cows, Disposable Humans

The Bulandshahr mob killings show that the Hindutva Supremacist world view, which has complete apathy and indifference toward human life and puts a four-legged animal on a pedestal, is on the ascendance. “It is a curious people. With them, all life seems to be sacred except human life.” – Mark Twain on Indians. A single … Continue reading Sacred Cows, Disposable Humans →

Ideas as Crime in a Majoritarian Democracy

Image Courtesy: Vappingo To such a degree has Religion fuelled conflict, complicated politics, retarded social development and impaired human relations across the world, that one is often tempted to propose that Religion is innately an enemy of Humanity, if not indeed of itself a crime against Humanity … it is time that the world adopted … Continue reading Ideas as Crime in a Majoritarian Democracy →

Love Patriarchy, Hail Hindu Rashtra!

From Hindu Code Bill to Sabarimala via Roop Kanwar’s Sati — keeping women subjugated under the cloak of tradition It was the mid-1980s when a 18-year-old Roop Kanwar’s burning on the pyre of her husband — under controversial circumstances — had made national headlines. There was national outrage over the incident because more than 150 … Continue reading Love Patriarchy, Hail Hindu Rashtra! →

Bharatiya Janata Party or Bharatiya Jumla Party !

Review of ‘Truth in Fetters : Broken Promises and Shattered Unity’ “Change is in the air”! A retired academic who had his last assignment as Vice Chancellor of a leading university said to me the other day, while we were discussing the contemporary political scenario. Frankly admitting that he had supported Modi’s candidature then and … Continue reading Bharatiya Janata Party or Bharatiya Jumla Party ! →

Statement Issued by NSI on the recent arrests : Democracy Under Siege !

A Statement Issued by New Socialist Initiative (NSI) on the recent arrests of human rights defenders and public intellectuals Democracy Under Siege ! With Ground Slipping Fast Beneath Its Feet, BJP government Resorting to Draconian Measures ! 1. New Socialist Initiative strongly condemns the arbitrary and malicious manner in which the Pune Police, at the … Continue reading Statement Issued by NSI on the recent arrests : Democracy Under Siege !

Fascinating Manu

It is easy to see the linkages between Manu, Nietzsche, Hitler and the worldview of Hindutva supremacism Manu and his ‘magnum opus’ Manusmriti keeps hogging headlines in the 21st century as well. Thanks to the fascination it still holds among the Hindutva supremacists of various kinds even around seventy years after the promulgation of Constitution, which in … Continue reading Fascinating Manu

“Selfless Patriot” – In Search of the Real Shyama Prasad Mukherjee

“It has been said with good reason that the Jana Sangh resulted from a combination of a partyless leader, Syama Prasad Mookerjee, and a leaderless party, the RSS”. (The Jana Sangh: A Biography of an Indian Political Party, by Craig Baxter p. 54)  1. In Search of the “Selfless Patriot” An untimely death of a … Continue reading “Selfless Patriot” – In Search of the Real Shyama Prasad Mukherjee