Modinama : Issues That Did Not Matter

In May 2019, the party of the Hindu Right, Bharatiya Janata Party, under Narendra Modi, won a spectacular electoral victory. The victory seemed to defy common sense – why did conversations of life and livelihood not dominate the election? Why did the thuggery of the Hindutva vigilantes seem inconsequential to vast numbers of ordinary, decent … Continue reading Modinama : Issues That Did Not Matter →

Arming Children, Securing a Future?

By distributing knives to meritorious children, organisations like the Hindu Mahasabha, are trying to give religious legitimacy to what is essentially a political use of faith. Image courtesy: Twitter What does an organisation do when it wants to congratulate meritorious students who have excelled in exams? Reward them with some gifts, say, books, and (if … Continue reading Arming Children, Securing a Future? →

Rainbow Social Coalition – To What End ?

  USS passe rani hai, iss passe Gandhi!” (“On that side is the Queen, on this is Gandhi) (…) Nawan Punjab Party’s candidate ex MP Dr Dharamvira Gandhi’s election campaign and the way he projected his appeal as ‘battle against the royals’ had rightly evoked interest in a section of the media as well as … Continue reading Rainbo

Observations & Implications Of A Possible BJP Victory

By Andrew Korybko | EurasiaFuture | 2019-05-21 Many media outlets are reporting that the BJP will probably win re-election according to exit polling conducted over the month-long electoral process that was finally made public after it ended, which would be the result of several important factors if true and also carry with it some very […]

When ‘Strange’ Visitors Called on Ram Puniyani

Recall Kalburgi and Shahid Azmi? There are several such unconnected looking incidents in recent times that are part of the same mindset that looks for ‘internal enemies’ in every dissenting voice. Image for representational use only.Image Courtesy : Siasat Ram Puniyani, the affable and relentless campaigner for communal harmony and peace, who at the age … Continue reading When ‘Strange’ Visitors Called on Ram Puniyani →

Statement in Support of Prof Ram Puniyani

Condemn attempts at intimidating Prof Ram Puniyani To The Commissioner of Police Mumbai We the undersigned strongly condemn the way in which attempts were recently made to intimidate Prof Ram Puniyani by people supposedly belonging to CID. We fear that it is to silence his voice which has always remained critical of communal forces and … Continue reading Statement in Support of Prof Ram Puniyani →